Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

woensdag, 22 november 2006

The Force

Broadcasting from somewhere in the Universe,
this is

The Force.

Listen to the journals of Captain 'L' and mission specialist Marina OfLight on board Galaxy Cruiser 'The Force' on a discovery mission through the Unknown and Multidimensional Space...

The crew of The Force is and will be selected by Universal Powers.
Right now it consists of Captain 'L' and mission specialist Marina OfLight.

Mission Specialist Marina OfLight was trained at the Universal School of Love and Enlightenment.
Chosen because of her abilities to channel and contact beings from the Universe, she's our guide on this adventurous journey.

During the voyages more crew members will join by responding and contributing to our broadcasts.

Go to The Force

Posted: 7:44:55 PM  


He creates fusion in his Oakland Township home

By Gina Damron |

Thiago Olson, 17, stands near his nuclear fusion reactor,which he calls "the Fusor," at home in Oakland Township on Friday.
After more than two years and 1,000 hours of research, the Stoney Creek High School senior, with a little help from his dad, built the machine.

On the surface, Thiago Olson is like any typical teenager.

He's on the cross country and track teams at Stoney Creek High School in Rochester Hills. He's a good-looking, clean-cut 17-year-old with a 3.75 grade point average, and he has his eyes fixed on the next big step: college.

But to his friends, Thiago is known as 'the mad scientist.'

In the basement of his parents' Oakland Township home, tucked away in an area most aren't privy to see, Thiago is exhausting his love of physics on a project that has taken him more than two years and 1,000 hours to research and build -- a large, intricate machine that , on a small scale, creates nuclear fusion.
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Posted: 5:25:54 PM  

Icelandic Volcano Caused Historic Famine In Egypt, Study Shows

An environmental drama played out on the world stage in the late 18th century when a volcano killed 9,000 Icelanders and brought a famine to Egypt that reduced the population of the Nile valley by a sixth.

A study by three scientists from Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, and a collaborator from the University of Edinburgh, Scotland, demonstrates a connection between these two widely separated events.
The research was funded by the National Science Foundation and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA).
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Posted: 3:49:44 PM  

commercial by Apple |

Posted: 11:35:04 AM  

Climate Change in less then 10 years

Here we go!
Mother Earth will move itself into Light and Love.
We will see big changes and that is not in a decade.
This article has to bee seen in the light of Illuminati, to get countries in-line and if they don't
...war will be the soulution. America to walk towards World Domination.

By Jeremy Lovell | Reuters

LONDON (Reuters) - The world has less than a decade to take decisive action in the battle to beat global warming or risk irreversible change that will tip the planet towards catastrophe, a leading climate scientist said on Tuesday.

And the United States, the world' biggest polluter but major climate laggard, has a vital role to play in leading that fight, James Hansen, director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies, told Reuters on a visit to London.

Posted: 7:59:35 AM  

Inspiration Peak for Today

Hereís to the crazy ones.
The misfits.
The rebels.
The trouble-makers.
The round heads in the square holes.
The ones who see things differently.
Theyíre not fond of rules, and they have no respect for the status-quo.
You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them.
But the only thing you canít do is ignore them.
Because they change things.
They push the human race forward.
And while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius.
Because the people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world,
are the ones who do.

ëThink Differentí
Advertisement | Apple Computer


Posted: 7:43:35 AM  

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