Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 26 oktober 2007
Ghost on camera

A family got more than they bargained for when a recently installed baby camera captures perfect footage of a ghost in their child's bedroom.

Posted: 11:20:54 PM  

Gold hits new 28-year high on oil rise

Gold traded up to a new 28-year peak in early European business on Friday, spurred by record oil prices and a weak dollar, analysts and traders said.

To be watched closely now ...

Posted: 11:09:52 PM  

2m US families face losing their homes

America's sub-prime mortgage crisis is likely to claim the homes of 2 million families according to an influential congressional committee which warned yesterday that foreclosures pose a grave threat to the US economy.

I suggest to read between the lines...

Posted: 11:07:54 PM  

Anti-EU Protests Planned for Saturday in Britain

Gordon Brown and the Labour Party promised the British people at the last election that a referendum would be held before the introduction of the European Union Constitution.

Posted: 11:05:49 PM  

another MUST SEE

Lindsey Williams - The Energy Non-Crisis

Part 1 of 8

Part 2 and more

Posted: 5:40:07 PM  

The Road To Tyranny - Alex Jones

a MUST SEE, pls share ...

Posted: 5:32:26 PM  


How your mind works - NWO - brainwashing

Posted: 1:38:30 PM  

Another 911:

Loose Change Final Cut Trailer - Final Cut Recut

Loose Change Final Cut: Coming Soon!
Brought to you by the crack research team of Dylan Avery, Korey Rowe, Jason Bermas, David Ray Griffin, and Alex Jones

Posted: 11:20:44 AM  

C.A.L.E.A. - Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act

The Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act (CALEA) is a United States wiretapping law passed in 1994.

Now remember, the 'info' is on wiki ...

Posted: 11:17:21 AM  

Haitian UFO's

Posted: 11:08:48 AM  

A selection of Reuters best photos from the past 24 hours.

Posted: 9:55:26 AM  

Why would 'they' worry? It is planned a long time ago and not a secret. Not to the world, not to 'them'.

Democrats worry Bush setting up war with Iran

Some Democratic presidential candidates worried on Thursday the White House had begun a march to war by declaring Iran's Revolutionary Guard a terrorism supporter while a top Republican said "bombardment" of Iran should be an option.

Posted: 9:43:57 AM  

Hague probes Karadzic 'deal' claim

"The first point was about Mr Karadzic giving up his political functions, the second one was about his withdrawal from party functions.
"The third one was about the withdrawal from the public life, and the last one, which was the most important one, was that Radovan Karadzic would not be under the jurisdiction of The Hague," Mr Nadezdin says.

Posted: 9:38:01 AM  

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