Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 30 december 2010
There is a reason why you chose to be born and where ...

No escape from Sauron’s ever-watching eye

'A giant, lidless eye that never sleeps, ever watchful' that is how Sauron's surveillance system was described in the Lord of the Rings.
And it's the image that comes to my mind whenever someone advises me to flee the encroaching technofascism in the US.

Posted: 11:50:12 AM  

Einstein was right, you can be in two places at once

A device that exists in two different states at the same time, and coincidentally proves that Albert Einstein was right when he thought he was wrong, has been named as the scientific breakthrough of the year.

Posted: 11:46:22 AM  

A New Species of Humanity

During the Golden Age in Kali-yuga, the whole world can enter a higher vibratory level and rise into a higher level of consciousness. Remember, consciousness is not merely a state of mind but also a vibrational level.

The higher the consciousness, the higher the vibratory level of energy in which that person perceives, understands, lives, and sends out to others.

This is the opportunity that this Golden Age in Kali-yuga provides for us, to whatever degree we develop it.

It's so simple

Posted: 11:43:34 AM  

And while you were sleeping:

Europe to ban hundreds of herbal remedies

From 1 May 2011, traditional herbal medicinal products must be licensed or prescribed by a registered herbal practitioner to comply with an EU directive passed in 2004. The directive was introduced in response to rising concern over adverse effects caused by herbal medicines.

Search CODEX ALIMENTARIUS and educate SELF ....

Posted: 11:36:35 AM  

While searching for an article in english - (THIS is the Dutch article) - I found this and uh oh ... a good example of mindcontrol, perspective and MENs interpretation:

Celebrity Culture: The Distorted Mirror

The drugs, raw sexuality, broken and cyclical relationships, bouts in rehab and emotional meltdowns are eagerly watched by impressionable young people - along with many who are not so young - who are led to believe that those moving images and glossy, airbrushed pictures reflect success and happiness. Desiring this for themselves, many of those watching end up modeling their own lives accordingly, becoming mirrors themselves of those they essentially idolize.

Hence "the mirror effect." Everyone, it seems, is narcissistically preoccupied with modeling himself or herself into the image of other narcissists who will do anything to maintain fame. People throughout society have become so in love with themselves that they are losing the ability to love others.

But there is HELP:

You, as a parent, grandparent or concerned adult, must take positive steps in helping children develop a strong sense of healthy identity, a positive set of internal values and a sense of belonging to family and community.

The place to start is to help them understand that there is a Creator God.
You must personally get involved in teaching your children the stories and messages of the Bible. When children understand the people of the Bible as real human beings, with feelings just like them, the biblical stories become personal. Positive biblical characters become heroes worth imitating.

The most powerful, life-changing message for any human being is the understanding that:

* He or she is made in the image of God.
* God loves him or her and has a purpose for his or her life.
* The problems in life are a result of people not living the way God intended them to live.
* There is real good and evil, and there are terrible consequences for choosing evil.
* Jesus Christ is the Savior who died for our sins and helps us to live as God directs.

The spiritual community is not doing better (so let EGO vanish instead of thinking you do better!!):

Being spiritual or spiritual being

What is this "Spirituality" that is shouted from the rooftops 'My Spiritual knowledge is greater than yours" or spoken of in hushed tones that take your breath away ...

Posted: 11:27:39 AM  

Cartoon for Today

Posted: 11:02:22 AM  

First the MINDCONTROL WORD WAS (is) GLOBAL WARMING (and terrorrists), now that has changed into MINI ICE AGE (movie!), due to theories and 'MANs' interpretations ...

But yes .. we will have a cold winter ;-)

Brace yourselves for a 'mini ice age': This winter set to be coldest in 300 YEARS

And with forecasters warning that this winter's "mini ice age" might last until mid-March, this winter could be the worst since 1683-84 when a fair was held on the Thames.

Maunder Minimum - on WIKI

The Maunder Minimum (also known as the prolonged sunspot minimum) is the name used for the period roughly spanning 1645 to 1715 when sunspots became exceedingly rare, as noted by solar observers of the time.

Sporer Minimum - on WIKI

Like the subsequent Maunder Minimum, the Sp[^]rer Minimum coincided with a time when Earth's climate was colder than average. This correlation has generated hypotheses that low solar activity produces cooler than average global temperatures.

Though a specific mechanism by which solar activity results in climate change has not been established, one theory is modification of the Arctic Oscillation / North Atlantic Oscillation due to a change in solar output.

Posted: 10:49:13 AM  

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