Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

woensdag, 8 februari 2012
Caught on camera - Icelandic monster or fishing net?

Posted: 8:16:21 AM  

Russia: talks with NATO over missile system deadlocked

Russia says its negotiations with the NATO over the deployment of a missile system belonging to the Western military alliance within Europe have reached a dead end.

Posted: 8:14:09 AM  

F1 cuts down all the competition ... even Schumacher

With the Formula 1 season starting soon, there are millions of men worried they won[base ']t get their summer gardening chores done in time to watch.

Wouldn't it be awesome if you could bust out of your garage sporting one of these F1 concept lawnmowers from French designer Kadeg Boucher? You would surely be the new king of the cul-de-sac.

Should take no time at all doing the grass with this beast.
The F1 lawnmower is sadly not real - so don't expect to see it in your local hardware store.

Posted: 8:12:36 AM  

A crustacean's creation: The incredible sand ball "galaxies" of the humble hermit crab

They could be the work of a talented artist with far too much time on his hands.

But these spectacular sculptures are in fact created by dozens of hermit crabs as they tunnel into the sand.

The intricate patterns form when the tiny crustaceans push out two or three sand balls to the surface at a time, resulting in unusual, large-scale arrangements.

Posted: 8:10:34 AM  

Charming posters from 1947 which show the health risks from radiation

It was the dawn of a chilling new age when whole cities could be wiped out with one terrifyingly advanced bomb.

But America[base ']s attempt to educate its citizens on the health risks arising from the nuclear threat were a little less sophisticated.

Dating back to 1947, these charming posters feature a hapless cartoon character and his somewhat baffling travails with atomic radiation.

Posted: 8:09:16 AM  

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