Marina's Masters - Channelings

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here. Also published and posted here are items 'channeled' through others, Marina and various postings like Tarot Cards, SYNCS etc.

zondag, 10 oktober 2010
The Reality Check - October 2010 - by Lisa Renee

As you study these old patterns you will begin to see them embedded as distortions that have impacted our energetic human being at so many different levels.

The mental games and control programs that are run by our unconscious self, those larger behavior patterns that are set by and accepted by mass society are coming into blaring review. We have to see who and what is running a racket into the mental body of our unconscious mind. A racket is a corrupt mental program running in our conscious or unconscious self that justifies itself into being to protect the psyche from its deepest and darkest fears.

It is very tricky and manipulative. However we are being able to clearly see these rackets running as the new energy foundation will not tolerate nor support them. Running rackets are the antithesis to embodying personal integrity, and in order to be congruent with the core essence and the nature of our true self, we have to be disposed of these rackets.

This is a time of Reality Check so that we can see what damage has been done and take stock of what we have left to process so we can live by and speak in the deepest truth and integrity that we are capable. Blind spots in our awareness or the perception we hold of others that keep us in denial and living inside the deceptive "psychological defense programs" (or these mental rackets) cannot continue.

We recently may have become aware of experiencing dark and intense dreams, warring or conflict scenarios with shadow entities, (such as black magician archetypes, etc) which is coming into our waking consciousness in order to be resolved and rehabilitated. It is exacerbated at this time as our 3D Earth timelines have come into an alignment and intersection with the future timelines of our 5D parallel Earth and linked further into the 8D core of our Milky Way Universe.

This event is like saying the time and space fields of the parallel Earth timelines have intersected with ours in the recent weeks. As the Guardians have mentioned in recent months, the 5D Reptilian Invasion memories were surfacing as the species race memory was starting to return to our planetary field. The human race at the cellular memory level knows that we were destined to be 5D entities, as this is a part of our species race memory. Our original Ascension Plan was to be reunited with our 5D parallel selves and then to be able to experience a much higher reality experience as a part of mass human evolution. Many of us have inner knowing that this is not going to happen and this knowing that our future reality was infiltrated has created a lot of residue sadness. We are facing these dark aspects now in a variety of ways, however, the underlying theme present that is surfacing is the Victim-Victimizer archetype (a mind control) program. It is the core consciousness reality polarity program of the dark vs. the light.

This Victim software and the various histories played out with it in the Universal time space fields had a very negative result on human evolution as it broke apart our emotional bodies. The pain of its consequence fragmented the soul matrix and astral bodies - indeed, it hurt us very much.

Posted: 10:10:07 AM  

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