Marina's Masters - Channelings

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here. Also published and posted here are items 'channeled' through others, Marina and various postings like Tarot Cards, SYNCS etc.

zondag, 9 januari 2011
Art by MM:

The Unity Logos

January 2011 by Lisa Renee

The Triple Goddess returning to our planet's access allows a massive healing possible for our spirit bodies, as well as a "rebirthing" process for both males and females. The Triple Goddess bears within herself all of the polarities and it is through her that the polarity of opposites can be united. Once we have an inner relationship with our female, we can begin the process of uniting the masculine and feminine aspects of our soul bodies. This begins the merge of a true Mystical Marriage (The Rod and Staff) through the integration of opposites, which allows an access to an immense current of creative forces that we have yet to experience. This experience is the divine destiny of humankind through the Ascension process. This "Triple Goddess" event is the beginning of our inner and outer exploration with these consciousness forces while embodied in human flesh.

As usual this amplifies distorted polarities around us, and for those of us needing to do more work on releasing ego programs and related mind control through fear, this time will seem to be brutal. These energies will bring up memory embed distortions, times a thousand, so try to reframe this as an opportunity to become aware of what may be "controlling" your body.( any unfinished business??)

Learn to participate and acknowledge these forces of transformation. The Core ES Practices will help your body be released of the grip of addiction, mind control or unconscious motivations still creating automatic or automaton behaviors. It will invite a huge spiritual support.

It is critical to learn how to stay in command of your body and your consciousness at this time, as there are many more forces in our human domain that are very strong and intense that can take you over if you allow it. Personal strength applied through discipline in gaining control over your personal power will limit the effect and its consequences.

As we undergo this change to our "energetic" female, ancestral and family of origin healings are transpiring. Some of us are having emotional or physical issues around female pain patterns as this is happening. Not being seen or valued as a "woman" and many male-female relating issues have also been heightened. (All of our archetypal roles as women are being heightened and at the forefront of our awareness, mother, daughter, sister, wise sage, cosmic birther, etc.)

Some of these matriarchs are leaving the planet, or there are emergency or dramatic scenarios that create changes in the "female" family dynamic. As we are processing the release of female pain and records of history, it can feel like a time of being in the void or "nothingness".

We are in the womb of the Triple Goddess going through a rebirthing. Its a time of forced receptivity and allowing, there is not much doing" going on at this time. This is all a preparation for our movement forward next year, especially when the energies of UNION (Unity) are stepped up massively in March 2011.

A 3D person cannot experience multidimensional reality without their "sensory" ability activated in their higher frequency light bodies.
(Because of the planetary damage, our light-spirit body has been damaged. So additionally many of us with light-spirit body damage, we have to repair through spiritual practice and heal our consciousness in order to increasingly build our higher sensory abilities.)

Do not be afraid to walk the pathway of the Light of Truth. We will be called aggressively this year, to be forthcoming with what we know is the "Real". We are the Wayshowers and with no "less or greater than" value, we hold the door open for humanity to know freedom and sovereignty as a connected and inner directed Eternal Being of Light.
We must speak it and serve it when we are "called", all the while holding great respect and reverence for All Life and All belief systems. During the course of my commitment to Live and Speak for the Guardian body of work, I have been ridiculed, ostracized, accused of horrific acts and psychically attacked by both human beings and non human beings. The Light path of Earth Service is filled with challenges of one's personal character and a deep faith and commitment to serve God is required. You must develop unwavering faith in your direct relationship to God as your first priority.
The dark attacks in every hidden corner and once you understand it is a call for service, a call for greater Love, there is no greater Truth of which to dedicate your Life.

As the Course of Miracles so aptly states :

"Nothing Real can be threatened. Nothing Unreal Exists. Herein lies the Peace of God."

Posted: 11:28:07 AM  

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