Marina's Masters - Channelings

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here. Also published and posted here are items 'channeled' through others, Marina and various postings like Tarot Cards, SYNCS etc.

zondag, 9 september 2012
Rebuilding Foundation, Work in Progress

September 2012 by Lisa Renee

This summer has been leading us through another one of those spiritual ascension developmental phases of feeling that your life is "under construction" or being continually evaluated in stages during a long "work in progress".

Many of us have had to stand back with detached observation and stay behind the enforced construction site "yellow tape", while the demolition derby came into your reality with a wrecking ball and a bulldozer.

For others, we have been waiting patiently for the right time and the right place to join into the new energy stream.

This has had a massive impact in many ways to our life circumstance in any kind of relationship, (personal or professional) within any kind of organization, or any other type of dynamic that has been running an obsolete energy system.

These energies, astrologically, cosmically, planetary or otherwise, are forcing transformation into a new base setting of which we operate from. For some of us this is a real testament to our ability in "letting go".

We are being forced to let go of obsolete relationships, power imbalances and their emotional patterns, and that is not generally a fun experience, albeit, it is necessary.

We have to move out from physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual stagnation, and if something or someone is a suppressive influence on your spirit, that situation is being dismantled.

Most people have a hard time with endings, so good behavior is not always present.

It is especially difficult when we have formed bonds with other people we love, generated stories that include them in our future landscape and then one has the realization that story is not going to happen.

This time cycle is similar to a hard-drive reset, we are rebuilding the inner foundation and outer foundation of which our lives are based upon or around. Any interactive dynamic between people, places and things, that is now obsolete in this current energy level, even if it "appeared to be working", is getting an overhaul, evaluation, and massive transformation.

Remember that this is your inner spirit navigating you through these changes, in ways your mind is not necessarily thrilled with at the time.
Shifting your perspective to look at these opportunities to learn, strengthen and grow beyond your current belief systems to expand consciousness, is what the purpose of this time really means.
Have comfort in that knowing, that you are Rebuilding Foundation, if you are having a difficult time during these life altering changes.


These attachments can be a part of the following: elementals, dead energy, demonics, earth bound souls, collective thought-forms, fragments, ancestors, etheric weapons, geo-pathic stressors ( curry lines or static energy fields) and just plain bad energy ( reversed life force) deposited into the land mass, in houses, places of worship, or any other space a person walks around on the ground.

This kind of negative energy can build up in a person's aura and make one feel physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually sick.

This is similar to understanding if our life force and aura are not circulating properly we can have clogged pipes that make us feel un-well.

If we have an entity attachment in our aura it can make us feel sick, slimed, and not ourselves. Most humans are not aware if a massive trauma happens on a land mass at any point in time, that energy is stuck there until someone cleans it up.

If no one does, it lingers and attracts more negative energy. Generally this creates an unhappy space, and a sensitive may feel this energy and want to run away from it.
(Hopefully, a light-worker notices it and places heart energy and living light into the field to override the heavy energies.)

Posted: 2:33:45 PM  

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Last update: 06-10-2012; 18:27:25

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