Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

woensdag, 8 augustus 2007
Wednesday Message from InspirationPeak

Before a painter puts a brush to his canvas he sees his picture mentally.
If you think of yourself in terms of a painting, what do you see?
Is the picture one you think worth painting?
You create yourself in the image you hold in your mind.

Thomas Dreier
Author, Philosopher and Business Editor |

Posted: 9:58:35 PM  

Apple Special Event August 2007 | Video (Quicktime) about the Latest iMac.

Posted: 4:44:11 PM  

Daily Motivator


There's a simple, easy step you can take that will exert a positive, powerful influence in a variety of situations. That simple act is a genuine smile from the heart.

Smile, and not only does it improve your appearance, it improves all of you. Smile, and you cannot avoid being more positive toward life.

Smile as you speak, and your voice will be more confident, enthusiastic and convincing. Even when you're talking over the phone and the person at the other end can't see you, a smile adds noticeable value to the conversation.

Give a smile to others, and you instantly improve the quality of each encounter. Smile to yourself, and new positive possibilities come clearly into view.

A smile costs you nothing, and yet it can bring so very much. Take a look around, and you'll see that the most successful and fulfilled people are those who smile the most.

Even when you can't think of a reason to smile, smile anyway. Smile, and you'll surely create plenty of good reasons.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 4:22:25 PM  

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