Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zaterdag, 1 september 2007
Movie for Today

The Condor is Calling


Re-member, let go of Old and Combine energies even more!
Focus only on LIGHT, LOVE and PEACE.

For you are the Love, Light and Peace of ALL WORLDS.

Posted: 10:42:33 PM  

Quote for Today

How far you go in life depends on your being tender with the young,

compassionate with the aged,

sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and the strong.

Because someday in life you will have been all of these.

George Washington Carver

Posted: 7:33:07 PM  

Malaysia morphing into Islamic law state

The nation's chief justice recently proposed overhauling the legal system created during the days of British colonial rule and bringing it in line with the strict Sharia system, The Times of London reported Saturday.

Posted: 7:16:06 PM  

Judge blocks illegal immigration plan

Homeland Security spokeswoman Laura Keehner said the department expects the program to eventually go into action, despite the court's decision.

Posted: 6:27:24 PM  

Saturn in Virgo

On September 2, 2007, Saturn will enter Virgo and remain there until July 21, 2010 (with five months in Libra from October 28, 2009-April 7, 2010.)

So a word to the wise for all you "LOA" (law of attractions) devotees:
having everything you want is not the goal of spiritual evolution.
That is the egoistic spiritual-speak of Leo; not Virgo.
Yes, it is attractive. Yes, it might even feel good to hear it and imagine it to be true. But the real secret is when we loosen our attachment to "unending wanting" we step onto the transpersonal path of real liberation and total freedom for ourselves and all other beings.

Remember, everyone has arived with his/her own soulpurpose, your own path, connected with (the) one.

This is a three year period when many people will be called to account for their excesses and continual failure to recognize how their destructive behaviors contribute to the physical and mental suffering of themselves and others. Read more about Saturn in Virgo

Read also this:
What is keeping you from your path? | Channeling Aug.27, 2007

Posted: 2:19:27 PM  


The Latest Karen Bishop is Online | On Channeling

We have upon us, in the very near future, an enormous, pivotal, awesome, and incredible opportunity for a real and true ascension! It is amazing to see, and difficult to put into words. This is what we have been preparing for, for the past three months (or really, several years). This is what many have been feeling was on the horizon of late, but may have not known exactly what was up.

In our times of confusion and doubt, it can be challenging to keep our faith alive. But this is what faith is all about. It is a knowing that the unseen does indeed existÖa belief in a higher power that knows more than we do. It is a knowing that all is always in divine and perfect order, because in the end, we seem to always find out that things were always right on track, and unfolding according to a divine and perfect plan.

Surrender is the key. Allowing is the key. I remember when I began a big ascension leap in 2001. I totally freaked out. I was told that if I relaxed and let go, and really trusted, all would be fine. Similar to the dying process while in the 3D world, the more we fear and resist, the more difficult the process. And as we are continually dying while we are alive, the same is true.

Suggestion: Leaving Earth Consciousness | Movie Playlist

When we get out of our own way, or ego minds, or views of how we think things should be, a new and much more wonderful plan will arrive for us.

If we can be still, sit still, be in the now, and allow and accept that where we are is truly heaven on earth, we will instantly be catapulted through the gate. Heaven is in the stillnessÖit is in the 'here.' Moving through and pushing ahead takes us away from this space and away from heaven. Navigating from an ego or intellect and analytical mind, takes us away from heaven. Living in pure simplicity and acceptance takes us through the gate. Allowing takes us through the gate. Heaven is here now, and being still allows us to connect to what is right at our feet. It moves our focus to where we are, which is truly in heaven.

Posted: 11:48:08 AM  

Daily Motivator

Let joy flow freely

How is it possible to know joy? It comes when you simply allow it.

Joy requires no special conditions. You can experience joy in the smallest of moments as well as in the most magnificent situations.

Even in times of sadness and loss, there is room for joy. That joy, melancholy as it may be, comes from the realization that your sadness means you sincerely care.

See joy as something you give rather than something that has to be created for you. Understand that joy is a choice you can make at any time, and you will experience it in abundance.

Put joy into what you do, and you will do it better. Give joy to your relationships, and they will grow strong.

Joy will come when you let it. Let joy flow freely through the moments of your life, and the rich value it gives will always be yours.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 11:27:34 AM  

The War Criminal In The Living Room

The media is silent, Congress is absent, and Americans are distracted as George W. Bush openly prepares aggression against Iran.

Posted: 11:22:12 AM  

Fears grow over Taser expansion

Taser electronic stun guns are being made available to more police officers in England and Wales.
Amnesty International opposes the move, claiming the guns can be lethal.

Posted: 10:58:44 AM  

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