Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

woensdag, 5 september 2007
Quote for Today

And if I may add to this: this is a very GOOD one, it is so TRUE!

There can be hope only for a society which acts as one big family, not as many separate ones.

Anwar el Sadat


The Mind of the Swarm

Posted: 10:47:02 PM  

A warning or FUD?

IAEA head: World moving toward 'abyss'

Nuclear proliferation, poverty and climate change are moving the world "toward an abyss," the chief U.N. weapons inspector told a German newsmagazine.

Posted: 10:35:56 PM  

Air Force probes mistaken transport of nuclear warheads

The crew was unaware that the plane was carrying nuclear weapons, the officials said, speaking on condition of anonymity because of the extraordinary sensitivity and security surrounding the case.

Posted: 10:30:56 PM  

Another 911


A new place for 9-11 films,9-11 new world rising explores not only the imposiblility of the official story of 9-11 but also names names of the key suspects who stood to gain from the black operation that was September 11th 2001.
And wish to usher in a "new world order".
But also shows what YOU can do to take action to alert others of the goals set forth after 9-11 in an attempt for global domination.
First Cut,your support will enable this films director's cut retail release.
Watch it in High def and get a DVD at

Posted: 9:14:34 PM  

Dr. Laibow about Codex Alimentarius | Video, Dutch subtitles

A MUST SEE - please share

Things you can do | The

Posted: 3:09:57 PM  

Africa in pictures: Weather

Readers' photos of dramatic weather across Africa.

Posted: 1:26:46 PM  

Daily Motivator

Gloriously difficult

Life is gloriously difficult. The universe is wonderfully complex.

Every new discovery opens the door for even more discoveries. Every challenge you work through enables you to move on to even greater and more fulfilling challenges.

Instead of fighting against the difficulty, celebrate it. Embrace the challenges and you'll find profound value in them.

Instead of being frustrated and confused by the complexity, dive in and experience its richness. Though you'll never understand it all, you can always understand more.

Circumstances change from moment to moment, and life is continually renewed. Though changes can often be painful, a life with no change at all would be unbearably empty.

With its many ups and downs and twists and turns, life is happening all around you. Remember how truly fortunate you are, take it all in, and make your own special greatness.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 11:57:45 AM  

Ramah's Wisdom

Can you be HONEST with YOURSELF

for ONE day?

Additional message:

To be completely honest with yourself, how can we BE that?

First is to be AWARE of your LIE. Then see what a lie does, to you, to the one your talking with.
Its energetic, remember! It effects ones energy. Not only YOURS, everyone's energy, we are ONE.
Why is admitting to the lie so difficult? Because YOU make it difficult.

Caught yourself lying?
Now is a chance to heal that part (maybe you need to heal that a couple of times per day) ... and start to be honest with yourself like this:

Notice the Lie, admit that you were lying, forgive yourself, take a deep breath, relax, relax some more, find peace in yourself and say the intention out loud (so your ears can hear you) to do better with this lying/thingie the next time.
Say: I am Honest. Take a deep breath again and go on with what you were doing, no blame, no guilt and feel good about yourself, for you are one step further on your way to become YOU!

Posted: 11:41:56 AM  

How to destroy a country like China - spread a few rumours, a few more and people believe it. Toys are not safe, NOTHING IS, it is your illusion to think the world is safe, products are safe etc. This (with China) however is another story, unfolding right before our eyes.

China Takes Media on Tour of Toy Makers

"China's toy-making industry is actually very good. It is not messed up like the Americans say it is," said Zhong Dechang, a top inspection official in Guangdong, which accounted for 70 percent of China's toy exports last year.

Posted: 11:27:03 AM  


Global Warming Swindle | Video

Please download it to your computer.


Posted: 11:16:40 AM  

Men chase beauty, women money when picking a mate

"While humans may pride themselves on being highly evolved, most still behave like the stereotypical Neanderthals when it comes to choosing a mate," Todd said in a statement.

Lots to learn; wanna know more about DATING?
Listen to EPISODE 8 Of The Force, Universal Radio Station.

Posted: 11:12:20 AM  

Not James Bond, just George Bush

A DOZEN zodiac boats packed with heavily armed, black-clad security personnel sped alongside the VIPs in their white luxury yacht.
Security men rode jet skis nearby, police helicopters hovered overhead and police snipers took up positions on buildings.
It could have been a location shoot for a new James Bond film, but it was part of the blanket of security Australia has thrown over Sydney for the visit of US President George W. Bush.

Posted: 8:12:22 AM  

MarinasMasters posted this article a while ago, now its on the CANADIAN TV, like its for real ... and blogs are writing about it....

'Amero' makes coinage debut: WND article here
Parody designer imagines North American Union currency.

Carr said. "I have been reading about the amero and I started asking myself what I would come up with if I was in charge of minting the amero coin for the North American Union."
Carr's 2007 issue amero coins are available for order until Dec. 31, 2007, after which no more of the 2007 series will be minted or available for sale.

Article here | With movie

Please, read the article about the PARODY on the coin!

THINK ...or should I say: READ (well)?

Posted: 8:06:51 AM  

'Human-animal' embryo ruling due

Regulators are due to make a decision whether to allow human-animal embryos to be created and used for research.

Posted: 7:58:07 AM  

Wake up!

Green taxes 'are making billions'

The Taxpayers' Alliance said emissions in 2005 had done damage worth an estimated £11.7bn, but green taxes and charges in that year had made £21.9bn.

Posted: 7:49:54 AM  

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