Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 25 september 2007

DOVE - Nesara Status Reports

Please read without judgement and remember to not interfere.
All things are in perfect balance. All is just like it is supposed to be.
New bridges can only be build when old ones collapses first.

There are 'groups' of people on Planet Earth who play their different roles. Each one (person-group) is like the Pon, the Horse, the King or Queen in a Chess-game.

Everyone means something in this game.

Without You there is no Universe. Let's unravel the end games, now.

ChessGame Image, click here; beautiful!

Posted: 10:55:45 PM  

Ramahs Wisdom

When you look at yourself,
in the mirror
on a photo

You see all your loose ends...

I see
Your Beauty Shining through.

Can you See YOU
one whole day?

Additional message: Read more | on Channeling (Archive in Calendar)

Please, read also THIS - Update from Ramah.

Posted: 10:11:07 PM  

Movie for NOW

Sacred Meditation

More Movies on Youtube

Posted: 9:06:05 PM  

Qi-Gong and Partner Yoga | on Articles

Qi Gong Video (Segment 2): 10 min

Posted: 3:50:56 PM  

Iran's president at Columbia University - a Transcript

Posted: 12:14:43 PM  


Many tens of Thousands of people led by Monks and celebrity artists peacefully demonstrating against military regime.

Posted: 9:09:55 AM  

Street Painter

Posted: 8:13:48 AM  

Daily Motivator

The cure for procrastination

The only cure for procrastination is action. Go beyond wishing, dreaming, considering, debating the options and get busy making it happen.

Yes, it's going to be a little uncomfortable, it's going to involve effort, it's going to require commitment, and you're going to run into difficult challenges. So ask yourself - do you intend to make it happen or would you rather put it off again and again so that it never gets done?

What gets done is what gets done now. In a little while, in a couple of weeks, in a few years, when you get around to it - these "somedays" never do come.

It's helpful to substitute the word "never" for someday, for that will force you to confront the issue. Give yourself the choice between doing it now or doing it never, and you'll be much more likely to do it now, if it's truly important to you.

This moment right now is loaded with great value. You can choose to take action, and make that value your own, or you can choose to do nothing and forever leave this moment's bountiful treasure behind.

Decide to accept the tremendous opportunity that is already available to you. Let go of the excuses, and make this the moment you jump into real, effective, purposeful action.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 8:01:34 AM  

Critics slam net block plan

Internet industry experts say the federal Government's bill requiring service providers to block access to overseas sites blacklisted by the federal police commissioner could inadvertently block access to popular sites such as Facebook and slow internet speeds to a snail's pace.

Posted: 7:51:02 AM  

PM criticised for declaring France is 'broke'

It is the second time in two weeks that Mr Fillon has run into trouble over his tough-talking rhetoric. The first came when he announced that he only needed "the word" from Mr Sarkozy to roll out a plan to enact state pension reforms, even before trade unions had begun negotiations. They called a strike for October 18.

Posted: 7:46:26 AM  

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