Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

vrijdag, 12 oktober 2007
Saturn in Virgo |

On September 2, 2007, Saturn will enter Virgo and remain there until July 21, 2010 - with five months in Libra from October 28, 2009-April 7, 2010.

Virgo realizes that each of us has a duty to heal ourselves by reaching out to heal others. Another real secret is when you heal the pain around you; you end up healing your own pain.

The time has come for us to turn our gaze away from self and toward those less fortunate and in need of help: they are our salvation and the true path to healing our own internal suffering.

Posted: 6:45:01 PM  


Set your alarm. For the next three mornings, just before dawn banishes the night, you can see a fantastic celestial triangle rising in the eastern sky. The corners are Venus, Saturn and the bright star Regulus.
This is worth waking up for!

Posted: 6:42:45 PM  

Coca Cola Kills (2005)

Posted: 5:16:44 PM  

Doing housework can cause asthma

A study found using household cleaning sprays and air fresheners as little as once a week raised the risk of asthma.

Water, the purifier: water from bottles is better to clean with then to drink.
Fluoride in water is not 'healthy' as well, Google on it pls...

'Energize' your 'drinking' water; more info i.e. Click here or do it yourself.
More info on water: Dr.EMOTO - watercrystals, seen also in 'What the Bleep do we know':

More Water Messages | Video's

(Posted Youtube Video's are aways to be found on - Favorits or other Playlists.

Posted: 4:50:18 PM  

On David Icke's Blog:

The most predictable result of the year: Gore wins Nobel Prize for misleading the world

and more of course ...

Posted: 2:22:26 PM  

The Power of Nightmares - BBC Documentary | On Articles

Posted: 12:55:05 PM  

Movie for NOW

Wind, Water, Willow ...
Four Elements, Three Willows
Two Lovers, One Winter ....

Posted: 12:35:24 PM  

Sand Art - Ilana Yahav - Let's Get Together

More Sand Art

Posted: 12:28:31 PM  

Daily Motivator


Somewhere inside, somehow you know that there's a purpose for you on this day. Let that purpose come to the surface and bring it fully to life.

Authentic purpose is not a deep, dark secret that you must struggle to discover. Decide to allow it, and purpose will find you where you are.

Purpose is not so much a matter of what you do. Purpose is more about the way you feel while doing whatever it is you are doing.

Those things you know without having to learn, connect you to purpose. Purpose is not merely what you think you might believe, but what you're certain that you are.

Purpose is the unconditional, limitless realm in your life that cannot be diminished by anything that happens. Whatever you undertake from the sense of that purpose brings great fulfillment and richness to life.

Always you have known that there is purpose within you, a purpose essential to who you are. Give it to life again and again, for you'll never tire of seeing its shine.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 12:21:48 PM  

Conspiracy Central | A link to Conspiracy Central

Jer 50:2 - Declare ye among the nations, and publish, and set up a standard; publish, and conceal not.

Posted: 11:39:05 AM  

Live in the NOW instead of NO

When we talk about the NOW moment and address to you to live in the NOW, not dwell in the past or future, one can understand that all is well. In the NOW. Even when your mind is telling all is wrong.
Are you in a situation of distress?
Your mind will tell you something is wrong.

When you stay in the NO-mode, because you 'think' things should be different, better, easier etc., what are you doing?

Posted: 8:13:47 AM  

Ah, official permission:

Scientists explain chocolate cravings

If that craving for chocolate sometimes feels like it is coming from deep in your gut, that's because maybe it is.
A small study links the type of bacteria living in people's digestive system to a desire for chocolate.

Yep, I have those too ...


Posted: 8:09:38 AM  

Self Doubt | The Thoughts for Awake People - Blog

Why do we doubt ourselves?
It really is a totally underwhelming feeling.
I used to suffer from this myself a lot - and from time to time it still rears its ugly head. When you step back and take a close look at the issue of self doubt, it really is almost a joke. Firstly we doubt our thoughts, then we doubt our feelings, we also doubt our capabilities.

Have you ever had a moment of intuition where you just knew something was going to happen?
Say the phone was going to ring, or a certain person was going to turn up at the door. Perhaps you intuited the winning lottery numbers, yet thought - 'Nah, that's a waste of time.'
When these things occur, it is because we have tapped into senses that exist beyond the five physical senses.

Posted: 8:00:12 AM  

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