Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

zondag, 13 februari 2011
Sunspots, elevens (11) and more sunspots

The remains of old sunspot complex 1147-1149 are rotating over the eastern limb today. Although the region is in an advanced state of decay, it's not dead yet.
During the late hours of Feb. 11th, a plasma bullet came rocketing out of the region's unstable core.

Posted: 11:37:54 PM  

The End Of Poverty

Global poverty did not just happen. It began with military conquest, slavery and colonization that resulted in the seizure of land, minerals and forced labor.

Today, the problem persists because of unfair debt, trade and tax policies - in other words, wealthy countries taking advantage of poor, developing countries.
Renowned actor and activist, Martin Sheen, narrates 'THE END OF POVERTY', a feature- length documentary directed by award- winning director, Philippe Diaz, which explains how today's financial crisis is a direct consequence of these unchallenged policies that have lasted centuries.

Consider that 20% of the planet's population uses 80% of its resources and consumes 30% more than the planet can regenerate. At this rate, to maintain our lifestyle means more and more people will sink below the poverty line.

Filmed in the slums of Africa and the barrios of Latin America, 'THE END OF POVERTY' features expert insights from:

Nobel prize winners in Economics, Amartya Sen and Joseph Stiglitz
acclaimed authors Susan George, Eric Toussaint, , Chalmers Johnson
university professors William Easterly and Michael Watts
government ministers such as Bolivia's Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera
leaders of social movements in Brazil, Venezuela, Kenya and Tanzania
It is produced by Cinema Libre Studio in collaboration with the Robert Schalkenbach Foundation.

Can we really end poverty within our current economic system?

10 minutes up in this film is said:

Two kinds of British came to Kenya - the ones with guns to kill and steal the land and the ones with a bible to deceive .....


George on Twitter:

G o_0 gle "end of slavery" - wake up, slavery never ended, you are one

Posted: 1:09:30 PM  

Did mystery object cause Morpeth rumble?

It was just after 7pm on Tuesday, January 18, 1977, when houses were shaken over a wide area of Northumberland by a mystery object. The effect was felt as far apart as Stakeford, North Seaton, Morpeth, Ulgham and Whalton.


Interesting time of posting ..

Posted: 11:01:54 AM  

Sunspots !

Posted: 10:53:30 AM  

Widow of bomb hero Olaf Schmid accuses Army of inquest cover-up

They say the missing records would have shown that he was suffering medical issues in the lead-up to his death which could have impacted on his ability to do his job.

One source said: [OE]It was widely known that Oz suffered from chronic irritable bowel syndrome and colitis.
[OE]All the boys would joke about it but he was in a lot of discomfort and had to use the toilet up to 15 times a day. He received treatment for his problems during the tour but no evidence exists of this because the MoD have said that they cannot find his medical records.[base ']
Mrs Schmid has previously spoken of the stress her husband was under after working for 129 days without a break.

Posted: 10:51:26 AM  

Why the mysterious disappearance of billions of bees could mean us losing a third of the food we eat

Just four years. That[base ']s how long Albert Einstein reportedly said the human race would last in a world without bees. For the master of relativity, the equation was relatively simple: no more bees = no more people. And while there is debate over whether the great physicist made the claim, no one disputes that we would be in serious trouble were bees to disappear.


Posted: 10:47:43 AM  

Prison to test new laser beam to 'burn' fighting inmates

The Assault Intervention Device (AID) emits an invisible laser-like beam to trigger a brief but painful burning sensation and has been touted as a new type of Taser gun.

A quick search in MM leads to The device, called a Long Range Acoustic Device (LRAD)

Posted: 10:45:50 AM  

Egypt army clashes with protesters

Shouting slogans, protesters fought street battles with soldiers forcing them to back away, the report added.

The protesters, remaining in Cairo's central Liberation Square on Saturday night, warned of holding further rallies if the military fails to fulfill its promise of a peaceful transition of power to a democratic civilian system.

It may seem very paranoid but what if the military played us all ?

Posted: 10:27:07 AM  

One Voice, One Heart ...

Big Brother is barking at you

Morning Coffee

Posted: 10:23:31 AM  

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