Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

maandag, 21 februari 2011
Movie for Today

Dido - Life for rent (Live)

Posted: 11:27:56 PM  

ALSO to be watched closely:

Biggest ever solar storm could cause power cuts which last for MONTHS

Astronomers today warned that mankind is now more vulnerable to a major solar storm than at any time in history - and that the planet should prepare for a global Katrina-style disaster.

Posted: 11:20:24 PM  

As 'far' as I can 'see' this 'now', it's going to be VERY VERY tuff (see other posting today):

Gaddafi on the run: Dictator may already have fled and be on his way to Venezuela after Libyan air force attacks civilians

The Foreign Secretary said he had seen 'information' that suggests Gaddafi is on his way to the South American country - as Libya was up in flames amid increasingly bloody battles between protesters and security forces.

Previous posting was 'a 911' - so is THIS posting ...
(see time-of-posting under the postings)

In my 'early days' of becoming a 'medium' (d'oh...) I was not much in control of what I felt (coming) and thus sometimes very upset.
I can remember that I was VERY upset with the KURSK; I paced through my house shouting: "they will let them die, they will let them die..."
THIS event is making me. in the same manner, UPSET, only now I have control.
I can see that THINGS are ZEITGEIST, happening in the time of an ERA and we all play a part.
Therefor I chose to write: "this is going to be very very tuff...."

We can choose to 'change the script' ... by being LOVE.
Thus, stand still in the eye of the hurricane and be peace....

Posted: 11:09:39 PM  

Next time you feel compelled to react, stop and wait.


Eurojust supports wire-tapping of Skype conversations

Sundays Photo

Dutch government collapses over Afghanistan

Exposed: The Carlyle Group

UN's new mission: saving the Earth from asteroids - and "9/11 First Responders: 'We're Dead Men Walking'"

* and MORE on each link ...

Posted: 11:47:38 AM  

OPENLY admit there were NO WMD's and no one reads it properly:

Rumsfeld: WMD issue was "the big one" in Iraq invasion

If the Bush administration had known there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, it probably wouldn't have decided to invade in 2003, former Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said in an interview broadcast Sunday.

If there were NO WMD's - what was going on then ... THINK!

Posted: 11:44:08 AM  

To be watched ... (will get tuff)

Qaddafi's Son Warns of Civil War as Libyan Protests Widen

Witnesses in Tripoli interviewed by telephone on Sunday night said protesters were converging on the capital[base ']s central Green Square and clashing with the heavily armed riot police. Young men armed themselves with chains around their knuckles, steel pipes and machetes. The police had retreated from some neighborhoods, and protesters were seen armed with police batons, helmets and rifles commandeered from riot squads.

Posted: 11:36:15 AM  

2 million Egyptians in Tahrir Square many chant To Jerusalem we are heading

Posted: 11:05:01 AM  

Libya - 17 feb


Posted: 11:01:53 AM  

Groundwater disappearing in China

Use of groundwater to irrigate fields amid drought means resource is becoming increasingly rare.

Workers have been digging deep underground in search of the much needed resource, but, as Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan finds out, this may have created an even bigger problem.

It's beginning ...

Posted: 10:54:25 AM  

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