Marina's Masters - Articles

zondag, 13 juni 2010
Owning The Dystopian Daydream

Perceive Control System equations

Identify public figures who repeatedly use buzzwords like diversity, education, the economy and terrorism. Contemplate the actual meaning of this distorted Orwellian Doublethink within the context of Control System mechanisms (as a pose to real-world references). Here are a few obvious examples.

DIVERSITY = Standardization CHOICE = No Choice EDUCATION = Conditioning DEFENCE = War ECONOMY = Slavery TERRORISM = Opposition CULTURE = Approved Self Expression HEALTH = Illness MEDICINE = Poison SUCCESS = Failure FREEDOM = Dependence

Once you become cognisant of the equations, whenever you hear the first part of the equation, you can immediately balance it with the real message. This renders political speeches and mainstream journalism comically impotent.

An auditory equivalent of donning the "They Live" shades.

The dissonance lifts and we can focus on being who we actually are, rather than getting lost in the mouldy NWO puppet show.

Ultimately, the Control System knows its influence is waning. The grip loosens and the game nears its end. We are witnessing the final spasms of the beast. The magnificent human spirit has been unduly suppressed over the last few millennia. Now that time is over. We ascend once more.

Reject their fake media hype and stop using their corporate services.
Discard their fear memes and erase their counterfeit history. Extricate yourself from their politics and laugh at their sinister melodramas. They hate that most of all – not being taken seriously.
From the Control System's perspective, there is no greater fusion of terrifying characteristics in a human being than authenticity, humour, creativity, sovereignity, defiance and love.

Let us reframe what it is to be human within our own consciousness. Let us bring to mind our own limitless creativity, our unassailable spirit and our natural ascendant trajectory. These are our elegant weapons - supreme creational fractals that dissolve that which we no longer wish to manifest. Take command of your beingness in this world and let it unfold deeply and gracefully. This is real backbone. Imagination is the key. We are both the dreamer and the dream. We make it. Let us become it.

READ MORE HERE - The Cleaver Blogspot

Posted: 11:26:15 AM  
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