Marina's Masters - Articles

donderdag, 24 juni 2010

An unprecedented event is unfolding near Mount Adams in small town Trout Lake, Washington that has the potential to change the course and destiny of Humanity and the Earth.

The people of Earth are being offered a chance to join the rest of the universe in peace and participate in spiritual awakening and benevolent ExtraTerrestrial contact.

Future technology is already here! Technologies to end disease, clean up and restore the environment, provide fuel-less energy technology, and the virtual keys to Utopia have been disseminated and are waiting for distribution and production. A whole new world is unfolding for those with the insight to see that unfolding and the courage to accept it.

Posted: 11:22:24 PM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]



Adding INFO from MM:

Please DON'T participate in global meditation at this point.
More info will be available in a few days, here on MM, on CHANNELING

Posted: 5:18:01 PM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

Nick Redfern on The Men in Black

Researcher and paranormal investigator Nick Redfern talks about Men in Black at the 2008 MASS UFO SHOW in Watertown, MA

This is a 3-hour interview with respected author and researcher Nick Redfern.
During the interview Nick discussed a number of contactee cases and various other topics within the UFO genre.
You don't want to miss this 3-hour interview.

Posted: 4:48:43 PM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

The photo below was done in 1997, four years before the destruction of the Twin Towers.
Other recognizable skyscrapers are the Chrysler Building and the Citigroup center.


St. John The Divine Cathedral

So, what is the purpose of this weird carving?
Well, the first thing that needs to be mentioned is the actual St. John the Divine is credited for writing the Book of Revelation in the Bible, which describes in symbolic imagery the events of the apocalypse. Occultists believe that the Book of Revelation has been hermetically coded to reveal its true meaning to the initiates of esoteric teachings.
This scene, carved on the west entrance of the cathedral, depicts New York as being Babylon the Great, the city who gets completely destroyed by the wrath of God.

Ok, so what the heck does this mean?

If you read my article about the Georgia Guidestones or the Denver International Airport, you're already aware of unusual monuments and art placed by powerful yet secretive groups calling for a new type of global spirituality.
Key words or expressions are often used to make this religious shift socially acceptable: Peace , balance with nature or harmony with the infinite. How can you be against peace? You can't.

Those buzz words hide however the means that will be used to obtain those objectives: Peace will only happen when all there will be a single world government. Balance with nature will only happen when the world population will drastically decrease and harmony with the infinite will only happen when the world will give up traditional religions to embrace neo-pagan humanism.

Read more here

Posted: 7:45:21 AM  
link to this article: [Macro error: Can't evaluate the expression because the name "permalinkUrl" hasn't been defined.]

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