Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

maandag 9 oktober 2006
Questions & Answers

Q: How can I be "Nothing" ...?

A: Just Be It.

Q: Yeah well okay .... you write in your teachings : Be Nothing, do Nothing etc.
I am "SOMEONE", right ?

A: You are very Real, Yes!

Q: See, so there is my point, how can I be NOTHING, do NOTHING and be so much, if I am very Real, I exist ...?

A: Get out of your mind Dear One ...

Doing nothing is easy?
Or is that, for Hu-Man, also a struggle?

Get my point here?


To do nothing...absolutely nothing, no thinking, no doing, no wanting to be someone ... besides being YOU, thus God, thus being it ALL.
You "think" you do nothing ...but you ARE (doing, being, so MUCH more)
You are very Real, you exist.
Remember the meatballs in the tomato-soup?
When you move, I move ...right?
That is an example of, how to describe ONEness.
So you, the Real YOU ... is not the body-form you have now ...
You exist on Many Levels.
There is MORE you then YOU see.
You begin to understand it now, dear one?

Q: I thinks so, yes, thank you!

A: There it is !! You THINK so !!
What does your HEART tell you ?

Q: To be still.

A: ....
Thank you for YOU, without YOU, there was no Universe.

Posted: 8:07:43 AM  

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