Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

donderdag 28 december 2006
Ramah shares his wisdom:

Another year afoot ...

DO you understand why this word is cut-up in two?
Remember, remember who you are ...

Re-Member, GATHER together (To Gather) with those in the same level of consciousness. Gather together with ALL. ALL on the way. To ascension.

Gather not only with action: spending time together ... Gather in your thoughts ALL day. Remember the 100 monkey effect?.
This upcoming (new) year will be a big festival for all of you who are connected with the Grid Of Love.
Remember also that LIGHT is all around you, available for you, right at hand, it is YOU, who do the 'asking'.

You are all interested in what is to come; what will the next day bring me, or you tend to think even further: what will this year bring me?
THINKING is what you can let-go. Let go of old behaviours as thinking, wanting to know something, wanting to be prepared etc.
Thinking is what keeps you away from yourself. Thinking is what keeps you away from living in that Grand Moment of Now.
Be in the NOW. No needs, no wants, no time.
If your mind wants to 'inter-fear', tell it: stop!

Step out of the 3d world. Step into the world of Is-ness.
YOU - IS ...
WE - AM ...

Is-ness: It IS, You IS: Don't put Labels, don't say, 'beautiful flower'.
Getting in touch with one's energy is to connect with it; you can only connect with 'flower'if you learn to 'see' FLOWER.
No flower is more beautiful then another, we are all One, all individually taking our place in the Oneness, shared together.

No Needs: You are it ALL. (ponder this one)

Stepping out of the earth consciousness is easy: don't connect with all conditioning and start to be free. Real free.
Let us tell you that you ALL are doing really great, in these great events of time. Earth changes are here and will grow intense, but that you already know.
The cleansing in YOU has started.
YOU: The Universes!
YOU: The solar system!
YOU: Planet Earth!
YOU: Four elements, four bodies!

Cleansing: getting ridd of old believes, old programming, old emotions , old conditionings, old lifes, etc;
Let-in the LIGHT.
More you don't need to know.

Stay balanced.
Stay in the centerpoint of you BE-ing. Shut the back door, for ego will sneak-in! Stay on course: that path you have chosen, which is OnederFull and full of wonders. Stay in awe and gratitude. Stay in the Middle!
Go to the center of your body, with a daily exercise. Connect with your Heart with a daily exercise.
Be Peace

More cleansing-out the old will bring in Light. And you all are doing that, we thank you for it. Without you there was no universe. Stay in the center of your Universes, let all turmoil blow around you, stay in the eye of the storm and just observe what is going on.
Don't judge.
Don't label.
Don't think, just BE!

Remember, we have spoken about 3 events coming up the next couple of months. It will in a 6 months periode from now. Big events.

You ALL are keeping the Balance for all the changes which occur.

Be Love
Be Balance
Be Unconditional Love

'It' will be THROUGHT YOU.

Connect with YOU ALL day.


Have Blissfull Moments in all moments of time,
We greet you, in Love ..

Until then,


Posted: 5:07:14 PM  

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Card for Today

The card is 22; Infinite Bliss

O happy soul, whose body has risen from the Earth which you wander and tread on during your sojourn in this world. Made to be the very mirror of Divinity, you have been crowned with divine imagination and intelligence.

Hildegard of Bingen

Soul Message:
Through the energy centers within my body that carry the life force of the universe, I am in communion with Earth and stars. My thoughts, my actions, my creative vitality, birth the return of the Great Bliss Queen. I shall walk the path of Infinite Bliss. My heart glows with divine love and joy.

Alchemy and Transformation:
At this stage of initiation—through regular prayer, meditation, and visualization—the human body begins to transform into a being of Infinite Bliss. The organs are strengthened and new levels of perception are awakened. The preconditions necessary to attain true peace and freedom have been fulfilled.

Awakening to the Archetype –The Great Bliss Queen of Tibet :
The Great Bliss Queen has completely gone beyond the human tendency to solidify and objectify the things of this world. For Her, life is a holographic dance of translucent, rainbow-colored patterns of energy that dip and swirl and interweave. She smiles and laughs because She is fundamentally free, and because She knows that we are, too!

Everyday Encounters:
You encounter the Great Bliss Queen in your life when you are fully present and alive in the world of form, while fully immersed in your flaming wisdom bliss. When you dance wild and naked in the moonlight; moan in ecstasy; squeal with delight; sign in sweet repose; or have a good, hard belly laugh at the sheer absurdity and wonder of it all. When you let your heart break open to the agony and the ecstasy, and especially when you discover that agony and ecstasy are, ultimately, one and the same. In short, once you have awakened to your own blissful nature, you encounter the Great Bliss Queen everywhere.

There is no place She is not.
She is All.
All is Bliss

Isha Lerner's website

Posted: 4:05:33 PM  

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