Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

vrijdag 22 juni 2007

June 21 , 2007 | Karen Bishops Latest


The solstice is doing its job well, and it can be felt in a variety of ways. Masculine solstice energies go deep…like a rotor rooter machine, they dig deep down into whatever is left within us, and trudge it up for evaluation and release. And add to this the Mercury retrograde energy, and thus, we are being forced into going back into anything and everything that needs attention and needs to be dealt with. This particular solstice is packing a powerful punch…as the higher we vibrate, the more intense the influencing energies can be felt.

But the good news is that we have released and purged so much already, that was is left, is really just piecemeal. And this means that their duration is much shorter. If we can glean the benefits, we can get back on a new and better track in a very short time.

If we have any issues left within us, we will now know about them. If we have a pattern that needs adjusting, we will now feel uncomfortable enough with the situations that we have created, to hopefully be inspired to make some changes.

Miracles will still be the mainstay, the more prevalent, as will much love and abundance, as we begin to realize that these minor and short lived purges are becoming less and less predominant. We are making great progress indeed…

Read more here

I must add to this (thank you Karen, for YOU) that when you reach a certain point in life, a releasing of the old energies that are personally yours, a realisation comes into your energy, soul, in you that is beyond words. I will try to describe it in words as I possibly can, but I notice that finding words to describe what I just went through the last couple of days, is not that easy.

You can call it: cutting yourself completly loose of all earth consciousness and really FEEL (in your bones as well) the ascended state, the higher consciousness, the multi-dimensional-YOU, enlightenment (as you will) ...

Part in that is also seeing the sillyness, the illusion of all and foremost the illusion you were 'trapped' in, of that 3D consciousness. This may create a big laughter. A laugh about ALL, your little self and why the heck you didn't 'see' this before.

Oh, here ya go, words are not describing it but the celebration is felt throughout the Universe. These are really great times to be here and if you have not experienced this: keep on working (and don't forget to relax and have fun too) on yourself. If you have an experience like this, please try to put it in words and let me know so we can share this with ALL.

Much Love and Light on Your Journey,


Posted: 12:35:28 PM  

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