Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

donderdag 13 november 2008
The Red Pill and the Blue Pill | Lisa Renee

November 2008

To not participate with these energies with the right attitude and alignment is becoming increasingly painful. As we move forward if you persist in holding any denial of polarity or the shadow you will increasingly experience abrupt surprises. The denial is a part of the old 3D energies, including those philosophies prevalent in the New Age. Denial is Deception. It is about something that is unseen because it is hidden. Nothing will be hidden anymore and we will have to face it. Everything has to be alchemized, nothing is being left behind. The group awareness of this as a 'conscious participation' with the energies is currently expanding this year and ongoing. This is due to 'Red Pill' choice and the expansion of Galactic Energies we are exposed to now as we moved into the 'Galactic Consciousness Cycle' in 2008. These energies created new levels of 'extremes' and gives us the surreal quality of what we may perceive is happening now.

Some of us are now being prepared to be deployed to work directly with these levels of the planetary 'energetic architecture'. Previously only the human power elite and off planet non human intelligences were privy to this technology. As a part of our new spiritual wisdom and the acceptance of our role as Guardians for this planet, some of us have accepted this as the next level of our mission. And this may take shape in an accelerated phase of physical movement or travel to certain locations or Stargates on the Planet.

In the last days of October we have had an extension of a planetary dimensional Stargate to align into the orbit of the ancient planet Nibiru timeline. This is a Galactic timeline of Human History coming to repeat itself and to be cleared form the cellular memories involving this planet. We are not going into detail at this time of this event however to say that this has created a massive impact to the planetary field. This is creating an energetic impetus into another big evolutionary cycle forthcoming in Mid November. This planetary orbit has been spoken of as 'planet x' and of which has had much prophecy hypothesized and speculated. Memories of these as possible timeline programs such as 'Invasion' and 'Pole Shift' have brought up fears to be cleared in the bodies. Please know this is not a timeline program that will be manifested into the Ascension Cycle, even if there are those that still propagate the fear of its possibility. Do not dwell on this and allow it to pass through as you observe it from your witness consciousness. There will be a struggle for control using these programs and their memories as a last bid for takeover. Human counterparts to these bloodlines will be implementing stages of control over the populace. The pole shift and invasion scenario are obsolete but are still manipulated in the False Ascension Matrix Timelines in the astral layers. More and more of this is losing a foothold as most of the energetic architecture to support it has been removed from the planet. This is a continuing planetary grid project at this time.

Posted: 11:49:30 PM  

link to this article:

Daily Tzolkin

Tone: 13 - Ascension
Sun Sign: Crocodile (IMIX) - (6th Day of Galactic cycle)

Read more here

Posted: 11:37:41 PM  

link to this article:

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