Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

zaterdag 17 januari 2009
The Multi Dimensional Tales

Intro of a new set of channelings through Marina, given by George C. from the 'other side'.

Conversations with George C.

Q (George): Do you like what you read on the net, about GAZA and other wars?
A (Marina): No, but I need to know what is going on in this world, right?

Q: Do you know that, by now?
A: I believe so yes, but I also see that I am learning new stuff day by day, but I think I know why you ask this question...

Q: Okay, shoot.
A: You wanted to talk about the EGO being fed whilst listening to horrible stuff, or reading about the atrocities in Gaza.

Q: Yes, you got my point! Eckhart Tolle is calling it the PAIN BODY, I call it EGO, this entity is being fed, energy fed, when you read those horrible words on the net.

Does it serve you? NO!
Will it help those people? NO!
Will the problem go away? NO!
Do you have enough of this? NO!

You keep on reading about it and putting it on your websites!

Now, there is this BIG WORK you all do in spreading the word around the net and therefor we thank you, in gratitude.
That is 'SO NEEDED' for people to 'wake up'.

So we have a dylemma: You 'need' to spread the knowledge, you have to move on and learn yourself everyday, so we can see that following the news, on some extend, is a good thing to do.

Now as we take a look at the energy part in this, it is totally off!

You are only feeding the 'painbody' (ego) to grow more into victim-consciousness and 'some people' on this planet are very aware of this!

What to do?

Be as disengaged as possible. Read without judgement, fear, anxiety, anger, etc.

Don't try and change things in your mind like how you want to see it, because maybe, I say MAYBE, you still have enough ego left to have it all WRONG yourself?

Take NO PART in all this. Just mention it on your websites.


Show to others: this is what is going on and let them wake up themselves. Don't even TRY to wake people up, when it's time, it's time. Don't let, again, your ego take over. Now I know what I am talking about, I did it for many years when I was on planet Earth, not so long ago.

The worlds are going to change when you CHANGE, not your actions, your DOING, it is mostly understood by many that BEING is the best thing to do but then you get caught up in the words again.

Be as UNATTACHED as possible for you are ONLY FEEDING it MORE!

Thank you.

Posted: 11:29:14 AM  

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