Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

maandag 17 augustus 2009

It's called earth-bound spirits. The "ghosts" didn't find their way to the Light yet and are stuck between "heaven and earth".
There is NO TIME in the space they are, so for us having time, 'ghosts' can be hundreds of years spending their lifes in one place.
It's not a wise idea to go HUNT the 'ghost' yourself.
Especially when you don't know what you're dealing with.
It's dangerous so call for someone who knows what to do and remember:
it's always a 2-way-street (so learn from the 'ghost-experience').
AND WITH THAT I DON'T MEAN YOU HAVE TO SPEAK WITH THE 'GHOST'; as said before: that is dangerous.

Ghost encounter at Dalhousie Castle

"Everything's ready for you … downstairs," an attendant says as we sit around in the library of Dalhousie Castle, the ancient, supposedly haunted Scottish fortress that is now one of Britain's most elegant small hotels.

Ghosts roaming NSW Parliament

"The ghost stories are worse at Government House, the most common one is that a baby cries and no one can find the baby."

Another said: "You hear about people in old-fashioned garb mysteriously appearing, walking down stairs or even walking through the floor."

Search GHOST in MarinasMasters and educate self ...

Posted: 11:51:11 PM  

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The Best Wisdom Flash EVER : The Journey

Posted: 9:24:12 PM  

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The Multi Dimensional Tales

This is Part 7 and we're gonna talk about abuse.

Hello Folks! It's me again, George!

People have this tendency to abuse oneanother.
Parents abuse their children. Children abuse their parents.
It's not recognized as such, people don't see it, feel it though, but do nothing about it.
Most don't act, don't speak out.
Don't speak truth.
Just feel the energies running through their systems and that is a horrible feeling, but wait.... you have learned NOT to react!
You don't use the AB.
That GUT feeling when something is terribly wrong.
NO ab in use.

You can FEEL it in your stomach, your GUT, but well ... sleep on and feel terrible, horrible and do nothing.

When someone is using abusive behaviour towards you, you do nothing, you stay put, sit back and lay on the floor to let them walk ALLLLL over you.
Walk ALLLLL over you.
Coz you're a victim and cannot do something about it.

We know what you DO when you're abused: you complain!

Complain about your SAD LOT in LIFE and how BAD people are treating you.
They are the wrong guys, they behave bad and you:
You are sooooooo wonderful, you NEVER do that shit.
NOOOO ... you are the GOOD GUY and you never lash out to anyone with harsh words.

Just play it out as long as you can, that victim-role, blaiming others for your terrible lifes:
it's his fault, her's, never yours.
This is wrong, that is bad, he did this to me and I am soooooooooooo wonderfull.
No... you don't do shit like that.
YOU NEVER make mistakes.

What a bulshitty kakaFONY crap.

I can IN-VENT a lot of these more shitty stuff going on in your personal lives, but okay, when you take a good look in the mirror and make a step forward, you might see that is ALWAYS a two-way-street.
Never one-way, otherwise you would not have to deal with ABUSE.
So maybe you're open now to see YOUR part in this as well.
Right now, in your life, or other lives you've done, it's all a part of the energies and they NEED to be SEEN, cleared and taken care of.

For so many years people let themselves be abused by their family, spouses, children, bosses, neighbours, governments etc. etc and WHEN is the time you are FED-UP with that?

When do you STOP TOLERATING abusive behaviour?

TOLERANCE is what makes this world go wrong. It's NOT a good approach and you need to see that.

When is the time you say:
How will I change this, instead of complaining about it for your WHOLE SAD LIFE?
You can do that until you die and then what?
Did you DO something about it, to change it?
What did you do?!?!

You'll say:
I didn't ask people to treat me this way ... THEY are doing that to me.
Here is another complaint.
Bla bla yeah yeah, heared it all and it brings you NOWHERE.

NOW: We will talk to get you to the NOW HERE.

These 'things' are lessons, lessons to SPEAK-UP!
To feel the signals, the energy, the warning-signs when things are WRONG, you feel that in your GUT. It makes you sick.

Now we have come to that place, the GUT, and next time, you will sit back, relax, feel and let the energies make CLEAR to you WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON.
You will be slow the first times, maybe for ever, but you will make progress, everytime you DO THAT.
Small STEPS for mankind.
Just take small steps, and say to yourself: "But I am MAKING steps!"

Second: * Accept that you are a bit slow in reacting.
Some people know always right away what to say, but most don't.
They know what they shoud have said, a day later, a month, 3 months.
Whatever ...

Third: * Learn yourself OTHER words to USE, learn to USE your AB.
Or go back to kindergarten and learn your ABC.
Educate yourself in communicating with others.
Learn to use WISE words, not harsh-ones and to lash-back, but real wise-ones.
Learn to speak TRUTH.
NO MATTER what happens: get ridd of the false assumption of FEAR and speak truth.
Be TRUTH to self, be TRUTH to others.
That is how you want to be treated, right?
So start doing that!

Fourth: * and so on.
Back and Forth ... forwards is always better then backwards, it will get you to now here instead of nowhere.
But in the FORTH we need to see we are all alike.
No one is better, worse or whatever that is you always make up in your minds, complaining and judging others.
We are ALL alike.

Fifth: * STOP abusing yourself.
STOP abusing others.
You're missUSING yourself to missUSE another.
See the energies inhere?
Go back to the THIRD GRADE and be TRUTH-FULLLLLLL!!

I can go on and on with my bla bla and you can do that as well but I really HOPE that you don't; HOPE ... which is another false assumption ;-)
Read the word as it is: ASSumption!


Thank You,


Posted: 2:33:18 PM  

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