Marina's Masters - Latest News

zaterdag 16 augustus 2008
The Great Happy ASS Card for Today

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Posted: 10:26:36 AM  

Daily Motivator

You can

Though the task is one of great difficulty, the capabilities you bring are even greater. For not only is there much you can do, you can learn and grow to do much more.

When the situation changes, you can adapt. When a new problem arises, you can discover the fresh opportunities that come along with it.

You can call upon the wisdom inside you that grows more extensive with each new experience. You can listen to your heart, where there is valuable truth that goes beyond what your mind can explain.

You can draw great strength from the connection you have with others. You can align yourself with the beauty and goodness that reside firmly and persistently in every corner of life.

In the darkest darkness, you can shine a light. In the most difficult circumstances, you can act to make a profound and positive difference.

You can know, you can understand, and you can live in the service of a purpose that becomes more powerful and refined with each passing moment. Choose to do what you can, and there is no limit to what you're able to achieve.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 10:21:28 AM  

T H E ~ E C L I P S E !

Later today, people on every continent except North America will witness a lunar eclipse.

At maximum, around 2110 UT (5:10 pm EDT) on Saturday, Aug. 16th, more than 81% of the Moon will be inside Earth's shadow, producing a vivid red orb visible to the naked eye even from light-polluted cities.

Posted: 10:14:38 AM  


European Parliament Ceiling Collapses | with video

Although languishing in the middle of summer holidays, there was some activity in the European Parliament in Strasbourg last week when part of the ceiling of the main plenary room collapsed.

Posted: 10:11:06 AM  

Oil touches 3-month low on stronger US dollar

Oil fell to its lowest price in three months Friday, briefly touching the $111 level after the dollar muscled higher and OPEC predicted the world's thirst for fuel next year will fall to its lowest point since 2002.

Still the prices at the pump are not falling to a low point. These liter/gallon prices are nearly the same when a barrel was $147.

Posted: 10:07:12 AM  

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