Marina's Masters - Latest News

maandag 29 september 2008
Why Lake of Fire, Nephilim may return - this year

The author of a unique best-selling book on the year 2012 and the return of biblical Nephilim claims mankind may be on the precipice of an earth-shaking event far beyond the imagination of most people.

"So perhaps," he concludes, "the timing of the 70 generations of Enoch coming to an end, and the military buildup in ancient Babylon/Iraq is not coincidental. Perhaps both of these prophets saw the same thing happening at the same time. The ramifications of what this portends may be more than most people can handle, and the return of the Nephilim sooner than we think."

Posted: 8:01:01 AM  

Poem for Today

The Circle

If I keep looking
the way I looked
I will keep thinking
the way I thought

If I keep thinking
the way I thought
I keep believing
what I ever believed

If I keep believing
in what I always believed in
I keep on doing
what I always did

If I keep on doing
What I always did
Things will occur to me
Like they always have

It's time to change!

Author not known but gladly appreciated!

Look at the cross in the middle of the Circle ...

Posted: 7:48:26 AM  

Interesting words: October Plot:

US steps up Pakistan raids to thwart al-Qaeda 'October surprise' plot

The operations launched from neighbouring Afghanistan have led to sharply increased tensions with Pakistan's armed forces since President George W.Bush recently authorised assaults involving "boots on the ground" without prior approval by Pakistan's government, a supposed US ally.

Posted: 7:37:02 AM  

Team finds Earth's 'oldest rocks'

Earth's most ancient rocks, with an age of 4.28 billion years, have been found on the shore of Hudson Bay, Canada.

"These ribbons could imply that 4.3 billion years ago, Earth had an ocean, with hydrothermal circulation," said Francis.

Posted: 7:31:26 AM  

Sold to US taxpayers for $700B: banks' bad assets

Under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, which is expected to come to a vote in the House on Monday, the Treasury Department gets $250 billion immediately to start buying up banks' and other financial institutions' least valuable mortgages and complex financial instruments backed by those mortgages.

Congress releases fuller version of financial plan | PDF


Posted: 7:25:30 AM  

One world govt.:

CFR Member Calls For New Global Monetary Authority

"Even if the US's massive financial rescue operation succeeds, it should be followed by something even more far-reaching - the establishment of a Global Monetary Authority to oversee markets that have become borderless." writes Jeffrey Garten, also a former managing director of Lehman Brothers.

'it should be followed' = it will follow. What can you do?
Be LOVE! Do not ADD to the energy with anger, frustration etc. Be the 'MASTER' and BE (the) Balance ...

Posted: 7:15:13 AM  

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