Marina's Masters - Latest News

dinsdag 4 november 2008
T h e W A V E

1981 - Based on the real experience of a high school class in Palo Alto, CA in April 1967, whose teacher wanted to explain the rise of the Nazi party to his students.

Link to these movies

Posted: 7:36:47 PM  

Mercury Containing Flu Vaccines Pushed On Queuing Voters

State and local health authorities across America are combining polling stations with vaccination clinics, asking the electorate to "vote and vaccinate" at the same time.

Reports from all over the nation confirm that free flu shots are being offered to anyone who is registered to vote.

More info on this is welcome, pls email MM...

Posted: 7:38:58 AM  

The politics of bereavement

A death in the family on the eve of Election Day. After the deftly-worded condolences comes the gently-whispered question: what will be the impact on the race?

Hidden agenda's, attached to 'human' goals ... when will MAN learn?
Now is the time: Be UNCONDITIONAL LOVE (no judgement, no control, no power etc.)

Can YOU be THAT ... ONE day?

T H I S D A Y?

Posted: 7:35:08 AM  

Python makes a meal of cockatoo

First it was a giant spider eating a bird, now a python has been snapped making a meal of a sulphur-crested cockatoo.

Artist and Clifton Beach resident Cindy Lane was painting in her studio when she heard a "couple of loud squawks" coming from the bougainvillea tree in her backyard.

She found the python coiling itself tightly around the bird high in the tree's branches.

Posted: 7:32:24 AM  

Python makes a meal of cockatoo

First it was a giant spider eating a bird, now a python has been snapped making a meal of a sulphur-crested cockatoo.

Posted: 7:29:41 AM  

Just another day...:

Eyes of the world on America as voters choose between Barack Obama and John McCain

American voters will have made their decision in the US Presidential election. Whether they pick John McCain or Barack Obama, there will be history in the result.

Senator Obama would become the first black US president. If Senator McCain won, it would be the greatest upset in modern political history.

Just another day ;-)

Posted: 7:25:02 AM  

The Monday Message from InspirationPeak

On tuesday .. ah, what's a day ;-)

The beauty of life is, while we cannot undo what is done, we can see it, understand it, learn from it and change so that every new moment is spent not in regret, guilt, fear or anger but in wisdom, understanding and love.

Jennifer Edwards
American Author, Artist and Educator

Posted: 7:19:11 AM  

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