Marina's Masters - Latest News

vrijdag 25 september 2009

New-cycle sunspot 1026 is crackling with magnetic activity, and this morning it produced a C-class solar flare. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory's (SOHO's) extreme UV telescope recorded the action around 0100 UT on Sept. 25th:

If you thought that flare seemed small, you were right.
It was about 100-times too weak too affect Earth.
During Solar Maximum, such a minor eruption would probably go unnoticed and certainly unmentioned.

But during the deepest solar minimum in almost 100 years, it's a big event.
A C-flare!

The blast raised no radio blackouts or radiation storms--only the hopes of solar observers for something more flamboyant.

Posted: 11:26:20 PM  

Another of the Twelve Apostles collapses; seven left

The Twelve Apostles are now the Seven Apostles.
Neil Sander, a tour operator noticed that one of the remaining Apostle's had fallen at just after 5pm yesterday.

And with the Grand Final today Mr Sander believes it could be an omen.

"The Geelong surf coast beats a Saint again," he said.

"I went 'oh my god'," he said.

He arrived on the scene with a tour group of nine people and instantly noticed the missing apostle.

But by the time the group had arrived there wasn't much to see, according to Mr Sander.

"Just a little bit of rock sticking out. The water was murky too, almost an army green mixed with a creamy colour."

The apostle was one of those nearest the Loch Ard Gorge and Port Campbell and just before the remains of the Island Arch formation.

It says: Port Campbell, Australia, 12 apostles - I never knew.
Here is the channeled video with the pictures in it:

The Twelve Apostles Coast is also know as Shipwreck Coast (after a little g0oglin'eye ...)
Read here what WIKI has to say: Shipwreck Coast

Posted: 10:50:45 PM  

Military Police Kidnap G20 Protester, Shove Him Into Unmarked Car

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

Watch The First Amendment Die On You Tube

Police Hit CNN Reporter, Protesters With Chemical Agent at Pittsburgh Protest

Click on image to enlarge

Posted: 10:25:47 PM  

Daily Motivator

Substance of success

Those who keep talking about how much they've accomplished, haven't accomplished much at all. Those who blame others for their lack of progress, won't ever get very much done.

Those who spend all their time making promises, never get around to following through on those promises. Those who are skilled at finding fault won't ever find a way to create value.

Success happens when you stop talking and start doing. Achievement happens when you stop dealing in promises and start taking action.

Instead of making elaborate, impressive plans, get busy taking small, effective steps. Instead of striving to convince others of what you're going to do, attract their attention and support by virtue of what you've already done.

Make substance your stock in trade. Make real, meaningful value the standard by which you work and live and evaluate your progress.

Put your energy not into appearing impressive, but into getting good, solid, valuable results. For they are what will make an unforgettable, undeniable, positive impression.

Ralph Marston |

Posted: 7:58:27 AM  

U.S. doubles early supply of swine flu vaccine

But even as officials ramp up vaccine production, they say most Americans tend not to bother getting vaccinated -- especially the children and young adults most at risk of being infected by the new H1N1 virus.

"We really need to get the message out," H.H.S.S. Kathleen Sebelius told reporters.

Don't bother Mrs. bsheLie2Us, we already did!

Posted: 7:55:12 AM  

G 20 - Emerging economies 'get new role'

The plan is expected to be outlined in detail by President Obama on Friday.

Lemme guess: ONE World Govt?

Posted: 7:49:23 AM  

Water Molecules Found on the Moon | NASA

The M3 team found water molecules and hydroxyl at diverse areas of the sunlit region of the Moon's surface, but the water signature appeared stronger at the Moon's higher latitudes. Water molecules and hydroxyl previously were suspected in data from a Cassini flyby of the Moon in 1999, but the findings were not published until now.

Read what George had to say ... about water on the moon.

Posted: 7:46:13 AM  

Already BRANDED:

U3-X personal transport

It's new and different because it's much smaller and more portable than a Segway.

It's the same because you still don't look very cool while riding it.

Posted: 7:38:23 AM  

In This Now

December 6 - 2 0 0 7 - on Latest

* Does Evil Exist?
* Thursdays InspirationPeak
* Quote for Today

Posted: 7:32:43 AM  

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