Marina's Masters - Articles

woensdag 6 december 2006
A proper Christmas?

By Matthew Delooze |

This article contains some graphic images showing what we really do to our children in this world. So I humbly suggest to those that want to stay in a rose tinted comfort zone, at Christmas time, that they do not read this article. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

The hypnotic trance that we are under during this ritual disappears shortly after the 'new year' starts. Sometimes even before that.
The bubble bursts. The Serpent Cult don't really care when their hypnosis wears off as long as you have joined in and worshipped the re-birth of the Sun.
Once you have carried out your ritual you return to 'normal' , just like a stage hypnotist , they click their fingers and you see the world as it really is again (miserable).
The so called 'Christmas Spirit' has vanished but it did not really exist anyway, it was literally all in your mind, an act of hypnotic trickery that allowed our collective spiritual energy to briefly raise up a notch or two just to make you happily comply with and accept the ritual .
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Posted: 10:47:31 PM  
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How to Fight the New World Order?

by Wes Penre |

The reality we live in is commonly called the "3rd dimension". This is a very physical, non-spiritual and very tough place to live in. It is an imbalance of good and evil, where we have let evil take over. That is right, we did it to ourselves.
The Illuminati wouldn't be able to exist if we wouldn't have let them get their way. The New World Order would never have been an issue if we wouldn't have let it happen. We created the 3rd dimension.

When we finally realize that this reality (the 3rd dimension) is an illusion and a creation of our manipulators, first then can we make choices that take us outside the prison walls. Doesn't this make sense?

But to do this one also has to be very brave. It is extremely scary to disagree with other people and go your own way. It can be a very lonely path to begin with.
Fear is what keeps us from seeing the truth in the first place, and fear keeps us from start walking the path in the opposite or different direction from most other people.
So those of us who started breaking out from the line of sheep became scared and ran back into the fold again. However, no one said it is an easy task to break loose, because if it was, many people would have done it already. Nevertheless, it is absolutely necessary.
The alternative, unfortunately, is a Living Hell on Earth.
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Posted: 3:53:40 PM  
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