Marina's Masters - Articles

woensdag 19 september 2007
Did you know that all the world's most ancient monuments line up with the star systems: Orion, Leo and Draco?


The Egyptian pyramids are in the exact shape of the Orion constellation. (luminance reflected in the size of each pyramid) The central (once hidden and secret) shafts of the great pyramid all point to Orion, Sirius, Draco, Leo. You might think that the Sphinx is only 6000 some odd years old, but it's not.

Scientists now know that it's about 12,500 years old according to the physical wear of the rocks themselves from thousands of years of heavy rain fall weathering. (Studies by John Anthony West and Prof. Robert Shock, Boston University) For the last few thousands of years, Egypt has been DRY, so how did the rocks become SO heavily weathered by RAIN WATER? (Not wind erosion) If you go back to 10,500 BC, you have your answers.

If you follow the precession of the Earth (the slow wobble of the Earth over thousands of years around the North Star) you will notice that the Sphinx points right to the constellation Leo on the SPRING EQUINOX of every year back around 12,500 years ago (10,500 BC)

These ancient sites have been rebuilt MANY times, following the ancient blueprint of the original creators of these monuments, so they are VERY ancient indeed. Today the Sphinx currently points to Taurus, the Bull, every spring equinox. So why is the Sphinx not a bull? Because it was most likely built in 10,500 BC, not 4-6000 years ago.


The ancient temples in Cambodia, have this exact same phenomena. They are built around an exact representation of the Draco constellation itself. Star for star - an exact representation of the heavens done with a precision that no Human on Earth today with all the technology we have can duplicate. And the temples all point to this same constellation, Draco the dragon, on the equinoxes of about 12,500 years ago, WHEN THEY WERE FIRST BUILT.

How many times have these ancient temples been rebuilt in order to maintain the "message for Humanity" which we are still uncovering?

There is an underwater ancient monument in Japan which also links to this chain of 10,500 BC. And as we shall soon see, so will the recent discovery of the ancient pyramids off the coast of Cuba.

Orion, Sirius, Leo and Draco (the Dragon) - The cornerstones (corner-stars) of the ancient world on Earth in 10,500 BC. No matter where you might look in the ancient world, you will come across this same strange "coincidence"...

If you are still of the thinking that it was Roswell where the first contact was made - that's what I call media-think. It's easier to believe that project-bluebook and other military science projects have only had ET contact recently and are just covering that up in the last 50 or so years, which is clearly not the case. ET contact goes WAY back into the ancient world. That's a mightily long time...

How did I end up on THIS strange site?

Do you believe in "coincidence"? I don't, but I DO experience synchronicity constantly. I know you are here for a reason. Whether you came here by my handing you a card with this URL on it, or whether you happened to find me on your own, or whether a friend directed you here, or if you heard me on a recent radio interview, this path is yours alone to accept truth or pretend that this "cannot possibly be real".

Denial is not just a river on the Giza plateau, however. By whatever means you ended up here on my page, it would be out of fear of the unknown that you would turn back now. Please, friend, do not be afraid of what you find here. It's just information.

Follow your own reality and research to discover truth, but you will find out eventually that I am correct anyway. I get e-mails all the time from those who once mocked me years ago, and they attempt to say they are so very sorry for such offences against my name and research - however, what's past has already been done. I mean you no harm, only to share with you as you re-discover yourself as I have re-discovered my own self. Please let me explain what I mean...

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Posted: 4:11:58 PM  
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