Marina's Masters - Articles

woensdag 23 december 2009
A New Era Has Begun

A new era for the human race has clearly begun. When I compare the state of people's awareness today with what it was just a few years ago, remarkable changes are taking place.

People are finally waking up to the fact that the world of big money, big media, and big business is taking them absolutely nowhere except into degradation, alienation, and slavery.

People are finally becoming cognizant that their destiny lies in their own hands and within their own consciousness.

The "Kingdom of Heaven is within you." These are the watchwords of the awakening of humanity. It means not just that God lives within each of us but that God is the very consciousness of each. God is my consciousness and your consciousness. But as long as I cling to the sense of personal existence, personal expectation, personal actions and reactions I am setting myself up for deep disappointment.

I must live for this sense of God within. I must seek it daily, even many times a day, within my own field of awareness. And as I begin to sense it, I must look at others in the same way.

Within me is the Christ. Within you is the Christ. Within each of us is the Christ. It does not require a church or formal religion to realize this. In fact a church or formal religion may stand in the way of realization.

Yes we can come together, to work, to pray, to meditate, to celebrate.

The machine that seeks to crush mankind under a load of debt and servitude wants us to believe otherwise. It wants us to feel alone, afraid. That is the purpose of the mass media, especially TV and movies, to engender in each a sense of isolation and fear, to prevent us from joining our hands and our voices in the positive expression of life.

But it doesn't matter. We know that together we will succeed in awakening ourselves and mankind to the new era of community, cooperation, loving, and giving.

So let us move forward, individually, as couples, as groups, as communities. The first thing to do is go deeply within for the pearls that lie in the stillness. Then let us express our vision in new communities based on work and sharing while being good stewards of the bounty of our mother the earth.

From the point of view of my own background and interests a good way to do this is by founding and utilizing local currencies to monetize the labor and resources of our towns, cities, and regions.

Let us make a start today.

Richard C. Cook is a frequent contributor to Global Research.

Posted: 9:54:02 AM  
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