Marina's Masters - Channeling

Marina channels one of the Ascended Masters: Ramah.
Ramah is also one of a group that is called 'The Council Of Twelve'
or 'The White Brotherhood'.

Transcripts of these channelings -Ramah's messages to the community-
are published here:

donderdag 22 mei 2008
Karen Bishop's Latest

May 21 , 2008


As the ascension process involves dying while we are alive, only in smaller stages which are palpable, we are now fully residing in a higher dimension as we have completed our journey through the tunnel and onto the other side of this current phase. So then, many are finding themselves re-connecting with friends and loved ones and re-establishing connections that make one feel oh so much better, or at least able to find some kind of shore or anchor to hold onto while we seemingly exist in the emptiness.

Now, in addition, we are being greatly encouraged to connect with each other. As the Hopi quite eloquently have said, 'We are the ones we have been waiting for.' These current planetary conditions may feel downright awful, but they are here for a reason and very much a part of the process.


There has been much energy and focus floating around about the year 2012. Many might say it marks the end of the world. And many are focusing on this event instead of focusing on where they are now.

2012 will simply mark the end of an era or reality. The planets will be positioned in such a way that a signal or benchmark will have been reached. For many of us who are sensitive, we may feel this event very intensely within ourselves. It will mean that a completion has occurred, and we are right on track with this benchmark. So then, from now until 2012, we will be experiencing a step-by-step process of releasing the old and arriving in the new.

When 2012 arrives, there will be no catastrophes, dire events, or great suffering. We will already be where we need to be, and this event will simply validate the fact that we have done what we needed to do as a planet and thus arrived here at this time. And it will be then that the beginning of the new, or the rebuilding of the planet will be put into play in full force. And by then, each and every one of us will know exactly what we are doing and what is indeed occurring.

Until then, we will be moving ahead in steps, being right where each of us needs to be, introducing the new, and staying safe and secure while the planet continues with its fall. The re-building of the planet will really begin in earnest after December of 2012. So then, we are not quite there yet. But by the time 2012 arrives, we will have become much more connected to our souls or higher selves and will then really and truly know what it is that we came to create and who we are in regard to our own special contribution.

Posted: 12:53:19 PM  

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