Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

donderdag, 12 april 2007
The Chronicle of the Saving Remnant

In 2013 the Cabal ordered its American puppet President to activate Operation Armageddon: nuclear destruction of the San Francisco Bay area--blamed on terrorists. Wall Street collapsed and the dollar plunged on world currency markets. The president imposed martial law across the nation. Constitutional liberties were suspended and thousands of Americans were summarily arrested and taken to the more than 800 Halliburton-built concentration camps across the nation.

"Myth can be used as a vehicle for handing down solid knowledge independently from the degree of insight of the people who do the actual telling of the stories. . .
In ancient times, moreover, it allowed the members of the archaic 'brain trust' to 'talk shop' unaffected by the presence of laymen. The danger of giving something away was practically nil."

Posted: 12:59:40 PM  

Security cameras get eyes, brains

The latest breed, known as "intelligent video", could transform cameras from passive observers to eyes with brains able to detect suspicious behaviour and potentially prevent crime before it occurs.

Big Brother is watching us scratching...

Posted: 8:10:30 AM  

Mankind 'can't influence' climate

Mankind is naive to think it can influence climate change, according to a prize-winning Australian geologist. Solar activity is a greater driver of climate change than man-made carbon dioxide, argues Ian Plimer, Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide and winner of several notable science prizes.

Posted: 8:06:01 AM  

Scientists show we can die of a broken heart

The discovery of a new relationship between heart and brain, published online today in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, reveals how irregular cardiac rhythms are triggered, which can lead to sudden death in patients with underlying conditions.

Posted: 7:55:31 AM  


The Latest Karen Bishop ...enjoy!


For over a month now, I have been unable to use my laptop. It would not allow any power to connect to it. A new battery, a new motherboard, and finally, the solution, a new power cord (apologies for the delayed energy alert this timeÖif you were wondering if perhaps you missed one, the last one was on March 26th. So a delay as well with Stepping Into The New Reality, but coming soon).

My computer was simply deadÖno energy, kaput, out cold for what seemed like forever. It would work for a short while, and then a complete disconnect from its energy source.

And this is how the energy has been for the past several weeks as well. Feeling as if we have dead batteriesÖÖ Brain fog, deep and frequent sleeping, spaciness, an inability to focus or concentrate, not wanting to do anything (and not caring about anything either!), along with those old familiar strange bodily aches, pains, and stiffness are all here once again as we are arriving more fully in the next level of vibration and frequency while we continue our never-ending journey into the higher realms.

Posted: 7:47:28 AM  

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