Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 17 april 2007
The Militarization of Neuroscience: Mind-Machine Interfaces, Living Robots, Pulse Weapons, Neurodisrupters

We've seen this story before: The Pentagon takes an interest in a rapidly changing area of scientific knowledge, and the world is forever changed. And not for the better.

During World War II, the scientific field was atomic physics. Afraid that the Nazis were working on an atomic bomb, the U.S. government mounted its own crash project to get there first.

The Manhattan Project was so secret that Congress did not know what it was funding and Vice President Harry S. Truman did not learn about it until FDR's death made him president. In this situation of extreme secrecy, there was almost no ethical or political debate about the Bomb before it was dropped on two cities by a bureaucratic apparatus on autopilot.

Posted: 11:42:00 PM  

Scrap the internet, start over

Although it has already taken nearly four decades to get this far in building the internet, some university researchers with the US federal government's blessing want to scrap all that and start over.

The idea may seem unthinkable, even absurd, but many believe a "clean slate" approach is the only way to truly address security, mobility and other challenges that have cropped up since UCLA professor Leonard Kleinrock helped supervise the first exchange of meaningless test data between two machines on September 2, 1969.

Maybe this is to be seen as spreading FUD, because the internet was designed to withstand an atomic bomb attack. But who knows what You Know Who's Cookin' have Cooked-up to get ridd of awakened people? Alertness is always a good thing, fear and panic ... not ...

Posted: 11:33:08 PM  

The Birth of Dark Energy

A dark force that is pulling the cosmos apart

Even weirder than dark matteróthe invisible stuff constituting most of the mass of the universeóis dark energy, a mysterious force pushing the universe apart at an ever-faster rate. Weirder still is a recent discovery that dark energy has been around for most of the history of the cosmos. 'Nine billion years ago, dark energy was already wielding its repulsive influence on the universe,' explains Johns Hopkins University astrophysicist Adam Riess. But the repulsion didnít win out against the force of gravity until 5 billion years ago, when cosmic expansion kicked into high gear and began accelerating.

Posted: 11:25:05 PM  

The Latest Karen Bishop is Online.

April 16 , 2007


We are just completing the integration with the powerful and more highly vibrating energies of March, and what a relief! For the past two weeks or so, the old energies have been intensely colliding with the new, and this energetic experience could be felt in many ways. This was a part of the re-calibration that was mentioned in the last energy alert of April 9th.

Each of us is wired differently, and so we experience things differently.

We needed to separate or rather we needed to be apart from much during this time as we were re-calibrating and did not need to be in the collision space or the space of unpleasant re-structuring and movement.

The separations involve a dis-connection with individuals and situations that have not yet chosen to rise up (or rather a new mis-match in vibrations), and the unity involves a new uniting with partners that have chosen to be on our page, either in regard to soul teams for the bringing forth of the new, or otherwise.

And as always, those we have recently separated from, can always join us again at another time when the next energy train arrives at the station.

I have seen this over and over, and it is a common occurrence with our spiritual evolutionary process. Separations are not always permanent as much can change through the combined gift of choice and evolution.

Posted: 8:30:17 PM  

Note here: this 'count' is probably not correct; homeless people in your own town were forgotten as it always is easier to look far away instead of in your own street ...

Number of people made homeless by conflict soars

The number of people driven from their homes by conflicts around the world more than doubled in 2006 to 4 million, with the Middle East being the worst hit, the Norwegian Refugee Council said on Monday.

Posted: 7:33:05 PM  

David Wilcock's Divine Cosmos | and The Hyperdimensional Nebulae: Cubes in Space and the 2012 Case.

Posted: 7:16:30 PM  

Thirst for Knowledge

Contained within a single dewdrop tear is a world of education.

Mother nature dips her hands into the pool of learning, and as she opens them a mother is revealed bestowing the most precious of gifts to her child ñ knowledge.

The young have a thirst for information which must be fed, and lessons that we learn in youth will map our route through life.

Posted: 6:05:31 PM  

U.N. to assess climate change as threat to security

Britain will try to convince reluctant U.N. Security Council members that global warming poses a threat to international peace and security when the body holds its first debate on climate change on Tuesday.

Of course ...

Posted: 5:58:14 PM  

See here the mindcontrolling media and You-Know-Why at work:

Qaeda group says Iraq a "university of terror"

In an audio recording posted on the Internet on Tuesday, Abu Omar al-Baghdadi, leader of the self-styled Islamic State in Iraq, said his fighters were successfully confronting U.S. forces in Iraq and have begun producing a guided missile called al-Quds 1 or Jerusalem 1.

Remember now, Al Qaeda only exists in the minds of the illuminati and the 'Sleep people'. Those who are awake and know what game is played-out on Planet Earth prefer to refer Al Qaeda as ALL-Ciada.

Mass Shooting At Virginia Tech: Was The Shooter Another 'Manchurian Candidate' Programmed To Kill?

FOX NEWS headlines reporting 33 dead may give us a clue as 33 is a favorite Illuminati signal number.

Posted: 5:47:57 PM  

Todays Movie


Uploaded by MarinaOfLight

Posted: 8:05:46 AM  

Todays message from InspirationPeak

How do geese know when to fly to the sun? Who tells them the seasons? How do we, humans, know when it is time to move on? As with migrant birds, so surely with us, there is a voice within, if only we would listen to it, that tells us so certainly when to go forth into the unknown.

Elisabeth Kubler-Ross

Posted: 7:58:47 AM  

Bush extends prayers to Virginia Tech

'I told them that my administration would do everything possible to assist with the investigation and that I pledged that we would stand ready to help local law enforcement and the local community in any way we can during this time of sorrow,' Bush said in a statement released by the White House.

Yeah, well ... we know how this 'investigation' will be. (Inside job, as was 911 and so many other 'jobs'.)
Please send LOVE to ALL who are hurt, for this has set another wave of fear (energy) throughout earth.
Remember also statements about another 911-alike-event by the family You-Know-Who-Plan-These-Events.
Keep the BALANCE by BE-ing IT!!

Posted: 7:53:29 AM  

'Set up' to spread fear and distraction from other 'issues'...

32 die in America's worst campus shooting

Terrified students leapt from windows in panic as a gunman opened fire at a US university in a rampage lasting more than two hours, killing 32 people before taking his own life.

Posted: 1:55:48 AM  

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