Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

maandag, 30 april 2007
Breaking out of the Mold

by Valerie Donner

We are breaking out of the 3D mold.
Weíve got places to go and hands to hold.
Weíve got lives to uplift, things to share.
Life is becoming love and care.
We are breaking out of the 3D mold.

Itís got to go. Itís older than old.
Struggle and strife, will call it a day.
We will go for the fourth, in the biggest way.
Weíve got lots to do, many to teach, mouths to feed, dreams to reach.

Weíre breaking out of the 3D mold.
Weíre taking big steps.
We are Light and Bold.
We are letting go of what no longer serves.
Weíre standing up to the declining forces.
Weíre the ones with spiritual nerve.
Weíre breaking out of the 3D mold.

Weíre telling the truth, that must be told.
Weíre releasing limitations, with breakneck speed.
Weíre calling forth the end of greed.
We want whatís the Highest good for All.
The third dimension is taking a fall.
Weíre breaking out of the 3D mold.

Our new earthly streets
Will be lined with gold.

© 2007 The Ground Crew

Can You Change Your Mold? | Video

Posted: 9:47:55 PM  

Earthquake Raises Reefs in the Solomon Islands

When people talk about change happening on a geologic time scale, most of the time, they mean that the change happens over the course of millions of years.

In the early morning hours of April 2, 2007, a magnitude 8.1 earthquake shook the Solomon Islands, its epicenter southwest of Ranongga Island. The huge quake pushed much of the island up, raising the coral reefs that ringed the island above the water. In the course of a few minutes, Ranongga Island acquired several meters of new beach.

Posted: 7:39:44 PM  

Collapse of Honey Bees in U. S., Canada and 9 European Countries

'Weíre seeing that some beekeepers have lost fairly high levels of bees over the winter ñ one beekeeper as high as 90% loss.'

Albert Einstein said, 'If honey bees become extinct, human society will follow in four years.'

April 26, 2007

More countries reporting massive honey bee disappearances: China, Taiwan, Guatemala and Brazil.

Posted: 7:33:31 PM  

New Toys Read Brain Waves

A convincing twin of Darth Vader stalks the beige cubicles of a Silicon Valley office, complete with ominous black mask, cape and light saber. But this is no chintzy Halloween costume. It's a prototype, years in the making, of a toy that incorporates brain wave-reading technology.

Posted: 7:27:26 PM  

Cell phone tracking examples

When your mobile phone is switched on, your cellular network provider knows exactly where you are in the world to within a hundred metres or so.

Wiki on tracking down mobile phones

Posted: 7:20:16 PM  

Pacific whale decline 'a mystery'

Grey whales in the eastern Pacific appear to be in some trouble, with the cause far from clear, scientists say.

When I made this movie (channeled) it was apparent that the whales where coming ....
The Return of Ages | Video

Followed the day after, by A Celestial Dream | Video

Whales and dolphins 'are' ancient wisdom. Google on it if you want to have KNEWS... Remember who you are ;-)

'It may be a lot more serious than just grey whales - they may just be the early warning sign of changes for the whole Pacific.'
William Megill

Posted: 1:33:14 PM  

No Thanks? Why Did U.S. Refuse Katrina Aid? | Video

Posted: 11:14:52 AM  

U.S. dollar slumps and this time it's different

The last time the U.S. dollar slid to a record low against the euro it quickly recovered, but this time may be different.

Posted: 10:49:36 AM  

In pictures: Life in rural Laos

Photos of rural life in one of East Asia's poorest nations.

Posted: 10:47:09 AM  

Dutchman's Noah's Ark opens doors

The ark, in the town of Schagen, is 150 cubits long - half the length of Noah's - and three storeys high. A cubit was about 45cm (18in) long.

Noah's Ark in Holland | Video

Posted: 10:43:34 AM  

Movie for Today

Posted: 1:09:49 AM  

Daily OM for Today

Flying Home - Free Of Gravity

As earthbound beings, humans have always had a fascination with winged creatures of all kinds.

The idea of being able to spontaneously lift off from the earth and fly is so compelling to us that we invented airplanes and helicopters and myriad other flying machines in order to provide ourselves with the many gifts of being airborne.

Flying high in the sky, we look down on the earth that is our home and see things from an entirely different perspective. We can see more, and we can see farther than we can when we're on the ground.

As if all this weren't enough, the out-of-this-world feeling of freedom that comes with groundlessness inspires us to want to take flight again and again.

Read more here

Posted: 1:06:57 AM  

Lost world warning from North Sea

Archaeologists are uncovering a huge prehistoric "lost country" hidden below the North Sea.

Posted: 1:01:25 AM  

Tax protest backers vow to disobey

In a press conference after the sentencing hearings, U.S. Marshal Stephen Monier said warrants for the couple wouldn't go away and said his office would begin arresting and charging supporters who provide "assistance, aid or comfort to the Browns."

"That's to be expected by the feds; they're trying to scare as many people away from supporting the Browns as they can," said Ian Bernard, a co-host of the libertarian radio show Free Talk Live, who's visited the Browns in Plainfield and speaks frequently about them on his radio show. Bernard said the prospect of arrest shouldn't scare supporters. "Bringing a cake to the Browns shouldn't be a crime."

Posted: 12:52:26 AM  

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