Marina's Masters - Latest kNEWs

dinsdag, 24 april 2007
Seth Lloyd's Quantum Computer

Professor Seth Lloyd talks about the world's smallest universe, quantum mechanics, quantum computers, and pushing Moore's Law beyond the capacity of the human brain.

Posted: 8:21:14 PM  

Another 911:

The Evidence Is In

Professor Steven Jones presenting his X-ray spectrometry evidence from samples taken at the WTC site. They dramatically show a PERFECT MATCH for the highly specialized compound "thermate" (used for cutting through steel) found in the WTC debris.

On my YouTube-Channel you can find all sorts of Vids about 911 and other False Flag Operations.

Posted: 8:15:26 PM  

Again I get this Artificial Intelligence-feeling ...

Forget robot rights, experts say, use them for public safety

Scientists have criticised a government report which advocated a debate on granting rights to super-intelligent robots in the future as "a distraction". They say the public should instead be consulted over the use of robots by the military and police, as carers for the elderly and as sex toys.

Posted: 8:12:42 PM  

F U D or Warning from You-Know-Who ...

MI5: Iran and Al Qaeda Planning an attack on 'a par with Hiroshima and Nagasaki'"

Just as there was no connection or affiliation between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda, despite the continued preposterous claim that there was by Dick Cheney, there is no connection between the regime of President Mah-moud Ahmadinejad and Al Qaeda. In fact it is even more unlikely there ever would be an affiliation as the reigning leaders in Iran are Shiíite where as Al Qaeda is a Sunni group.

Posted: 8:10:10 PM  


Using the 3.6-m telescope an international team of astronomers from France, Switzerland, and Portugal working in the European Southern Observatory (ESO) has discovered the most Earth-like planet outside our Solar System. The planet's radius is estimated to be only 1.5 times that of Earth. An unknown world seems to be covered with liquid oceans but may also be a rocky body similar to Earth.

Posted: 8:04:06 PM  

The Science of Peace

Written by David Wilcock

Is there a consciousness field of radiant mind energy that we all share? Could this be causing the changes we are now witnessing on the Earth and throughout the solar system? Does it have any effect on DNA, including complete species transformation?

Is this ëMind Fieldí the ultimate answer to solving financial collapse, terrorism, violent crime and all manner of Earth Changes, leading to a true Science of Peace? Ö Yes.


Most people on Earth are sleepwalkingÖ living in a vast illusion.

Unwittingly, unknowingly, they participate in a worldwide agreementÖ to see reality a certain way.

Like a bizarre religion, facts may not have anything to do with this mass dream.

The hidden, unspoken 'collective agreement' about "the real world" is subconsciously worshipped as if it were the Will of God.

Science passes down the LawsÖ perhaps "sanitized" a bitÖ and we blindly invoke the power of the word "They" in describing the collective knowledge we inherit.

"THEY came out with a faster hard drive."

"THEY say sunlight gives you skin cancer."

"THEY say we evolved from random mutations."

"THEY say there is no scientific evidence of intelligent life outside the Earth."

What makes us long for a higher authority to put our trust in, and do all the thinking for us? Why do we so easily believe the things we are told as if they were true, just because the mainstream says so?

As you may have been reading in David's Blog, we may not think about God much at all, on a conscious level ó but subconsciously we all have a "God Reflex" that seeks safety, comfort, warmth and love ó sometimes quite obsessively. When we have safety, comfort, warmth and love, our subconscious / animal / instinctive self says "God" loves us, and we feel great ó but when we lose those 'creature comforts' we become despondent ó even furious.

One of the things that makes us feel the safest ó the most comfortable, warm and loved ó is feeling that we are part of a group, part of a majority, part of the "winning" side. This is actually a holdover from our animal heritage ó the desire to form a pack and look up to an 'alpha male' for leadership and protection.

Read More here

Posted: 9:22:02 AM  

Tsunami victims feel betrayed by the sea

The very sea that had always been a friend and a source of livelihood for the more than 500,000 Solomon Islanders turned against the people of Western and Choiseul Provinces in the most cruel way, said Sogavare.

Posted: 9:18:06 AM  

Darth Art the sky...

Dark Lord of the Sky: Darth Vader Balloon

Posted: 9:12:47 AM  

Another WALL, Divide the Nations ...

Baghdad wall sparks confusion, divisions in Iraq

A plan by U.S. soldiers to protect a Sunni enclave in Baghdad by building a wall around it descended into total confusion on Monday after Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki ordered a halt to construction.

DiviNations, divide Nations into ONE ...(see Spiritual Movies)

Posted: 8:14:47 AM  


Halberstam dies in car crash

David Halberstam, who won a Pulitzer Prize for his reporting on the Vietnam War, was killed Monday in a three-car crash in California.

Posted: 8:10:06 AM  

Nigerian: 'Forced to vote against my wish'

A member of the BBC News website's Nigerian voter panel, student Donaman Atezan, 25, in Gboko in central Nigeria tells how thugs forced him to vote for the ruling People's Democratic Party's presidential candidate.

More Light ...

Posted: 8:02:51 AM  

To be watched closely..

Tamil Tigers bomb military base

Sri Lanka's Tamil Tiger rebels have launched an air attack on a government military base, injuring at least six soldiers, the military has confirmed.

Posted: 8:01:24 AM  

Mystery fossil turns out to be giant fungus

Scientists have identified the Godzilla of fungi, Prototaxites a giant, prehistoric fossil that has evaded classification for more than a century.

Posted: 7:59:00 AM  

Sun 3-D pictures help warn of solar flares

The first three-dimensional images of the Sun from a pair of spacecraft orbiting the planet were released on Monday and can begin helping scientists predict when and how hard dangerous solar storms will hit. Such storms can disrupt satellites, communications and sometimes the electricity supply, and may endanger astronauts in Earth orbit as well as commercial airline flights.

Posted: 7:55:18 AM  

Quote for Today

What is necessary to change a person is to change his awareness of himself.

Abraham H. Maslow

Posted: 7:51:43 AM  


Economic hitman John Perkins | Video, must see

Posted: 12:11:23 AM  

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