Marina's Masters - Articles

dinsdag 6 februari 2007
A Synopsis of Abraham-Hicks' Teachings

* You are a Physical Extension of that which is Non-physical.
* You are here in this body because you chose to be here.
* The basis of your life is Freedom; the purpose of your life is Joy.
* You are a creator; you create with your every thought.
* Anything that you can imagine is yours to be or do or have.
* You are choosing your creations as you are choosing your thoughts.
* The Universe adores you; for it knows your broadest intentions.
* Relax into your natural Well-being. All is well. (Really it is!)
* You are a creator of thoughtways on your unique path of joy.
* Actions to be taken and money to be exchanged are by-products of your focus on joy.
* You may appropriately depart your body without illness or pain.
* You can not die; you are Everlasting Life.

Posted: 5:38:17 PM  
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Alex Jones interview about London 7/7 Terror Bomb

Posted: 12:57:45 AM  
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