Marina's Masters - Articles

woensdag 21 februari 2007
Transcendent Glory is Everywhere

No matter how down you might feel, wait just a little longer and the pendulum will start swinging back up.
If you are riding high, maintain some space, because just as certainly things will ebb once more. This is why Buddha’s non-attachment is such a wise and valuable practice.
Life may go up and down, but we can remain centered. As Osho said just before he left the body behind, “You are a witness.”

Consciousness does not think, it reflects. There is no better way to sort through the complexities of being human. We have thoughts, feelings, and intuition. How can we hear the voice of our own soul if we are constantly occupied with values imposed by the outside and unresolved pain from our own past? It takes a little time to find the knack of disconnection from impulse. We go back to Buddha’s bag of tricks to find the practice of non-doing.

Often people truly believe they are their thoughts, so they move with every little inclination. Next time you feel compelled to react, stop and wait. Where did this message to act come from? Do you really want to give so much control away to your environment? There should be no buttons to push. Buddha says if someone disturbs you, you should thank them for showing you a part of yourself that you have yet to come to know. Serenity arises when you can rest in yourself and glide through the world untouched.

We also have to recover the lost parts of ourselves that are still frozen in space. All the times when we were unable to fully express the truth of who we are we left a bit of ourselves behind. This unresolved pain works behind the scenes and is very often the source of why we might react so vociferously to generally harmless stimuli. There is much fear for people to go in search of these stranded pieces because they try to avoid the pain and suffering initially felt when these parts were lost. What they don’t realize is that they will always feel it until this is faced.

It is up to heart and its tears to reinvigorate our fragments and welcome them back into the whole with unconditional love. After this discrepancy is bridged the energy that used to move in a destructive manner will begin to serve creation. The holy spirit of creativity will move us and we will live our life purpose. As the creator of our world we merge with the great creator and are no longer separate. The whole universe rejoices at our homecoming and we realize the transcendent glory that is everywhere just below the surface.

Christopher Moors

Posted: 11:25:15 AM  
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