Marina's Masters - Articles

zondag 9 november 2008
A Very Sirius Election

Bringing It All Home |

Ancient Egyptian historians will tell you quite soberly that for thousands of years the gods themselves walked the earth and ruled their land. When the gods left, the Throne of Horus was created. The so-called "Horus Kings," took the gods' place until the establishment of the First Dynasty.

What is stunning is that Thomas Paine wrote of this lineage in the early 18th Century, drawing upon connections he had in London and Paris with high ranking Freemasons. What's more, Paine revealed that the Shemsu Hor had spread out all over Europe in the centuries before Christ and created a network of groups that included the Druids:

The religion of the Druids, as before said, was the same as the religion of the ancient Egyptians. The priests of Egypt were the professors and teachers of science, and were styled priests of Heliopolis, that is, of the City of the Sun. The Druids in Europe, who were the same order of men, have their name from the Teutonic or ancient German language; the German being anciently called Teutones.

But what if your business was power? Government, religion, the culture industry, the military- if you could somehow ingratiate yourself to these "gods" to the point that somehow they decide to align themselves with you, well, that would be the ultimate advantage. Wouldn't it? The question becomes how do you even contact these beings?

A funny thing happened with the rise of science and technology in the 18th and 19th Centuries. The obsession with these ancient "superstitions" didn't fade into Randian hyper-rationalism, it exploded. The 19th Century saw a new Renaissance of Masonic-derived orders like the Theosophists and the Golden Dawn. At the same time the Rosetta Stone was found and deciphered, external models of what would once seem miraculous were either being imagined or actually manufactured. And eventually all of those ancient myths made a new kind of sense- these were not incorporeal deities, these were advanced beings from another solar system, mistaken for gods by primitive humans.

Read more HERE

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