Marina's Masters - Articles

maandag 24 november 2008
Beyond Duality: Healing the Fragmentary Body

For Those With Ears To Hear |

With many parallels to Eckhart Tolle's concept of the pain body that keeps people from accessing the infinite "Power of Now," the Fragmentary Body operates much like a deep scratch in a record or, to use a Vedic term, a samskara that maintains one's consciousness locked in a limited (unenlightened) matrix of thought and belief banished from knowledge or gnosis of unity with the Garden or Ground of Being.

Toltec masters often refer to the Fragmentary Body as the Parasite--fittingly, since at the energetic level, parasites (physical and aetheric) enter and establish themselves at the human organism's expense by way of the Fragmentary Body. In all cases, the Fragmentary Body is a dualistic principle of limitation that promotes disconnection from Source and, ultimately, death.

While developing a technique for DNA activation to heal my chronic autoimmune illness called the Regenetics Method, my partner Leigh and I became increasingly interested in this problematic second electromagnetic field. We were also intrigued by the fact that, using muscle testing with clients, we were consistently finding nine electromagnetic fields corresponding to nine chakras. Our understanding from theosophy and Vedic teachings was that there were only seven fields and seven chakras. But thousands of kinesiological tests convinced us there are nine fields and nine chakras, in addition to a tenth energy center associated with Galactic Center.

We concluded that this tenth field is where the Higher or God Self, also known as the soul or atmic permanent atom, resides. While the other four permanent atoms (physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual) are associated in dualistic pairs with particular lower electromagnetic fields, the atmic remains unified in the Master or Source Field. It thus represents the divine or soul aspect of ourselves that never experiences fragmentation and loss of unity consciousness through duality.

In other words, the atmic permanent atom, or Adam, was never banished from the Garden. This is also the part of ourselves that is now seeking to transmute our consciousness and biology--via the lingua adamica, no less--so that we can evolve into what we have always been in potentia: the Adam Kadmon.

What happened next in our own process of ener-genetic unfoldment was extremely exciting. After Leigh and I performed the first DNA activation of the Regenetics Method on ourselves and began to experience what we came to understand as conscious energy from Galactic Center stimulating our DNA, we realized that two significant shifts, both of which we substantiated through kinesiology, were happening in our energy bodies.

First, the vibratory frequency of our electromagnetic fields began noticeably increasing. Second and more importantly, the fields themselves were undergoing a progressive recalibration from nine to eight in number. In this process, the ninth field literally descended and "sealed" the second field or Fragmentary Body, allowing the spiritual energy of the Central or Healing Sun to flow through our electromagnetic fields and chakras uninterrupted for the first time. It was at this point that my health began to improve dramatically and Leigh's asthma and environmental allergies completely disappeared.


Posted: 1:28:56 AM  
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