Marina's Masters - Articles

donderdag 12 oktober 2006

October 11 , 2006


While September had several cosmic events that supported a move forward, as mentioned in the last energy alert, October will be the month of cementing them in. When energy shifts and movements occur, they are simply opportunities of support and guidance. and again, in this way, we can choose to take them or not. And many times we may not even be in a space to move with them.

Each and every one of us is unique and different, while at the same time we are as one. Our spiritual evolutionary process involves on-going supports in the form of energy shifts. We can take the current ride, or simply wait for the next opportunity. We may not all be ready at the same time, therefore some of us are in one place while others may be in another. If we choose to wait, the nudges will increase in frequency until we are ready and more of a match for them. But eventually, even though some of us are here while others are there, we will all end up in the same space.

With evolution, these rungs of rising frequencies allow for a continual climb “upward.” When a large amount of individuals choose to make a change in thought, action, or way of being all at the same time, we then have a leap in evolution, or movement and change. When this occurs on a more individual basis, then the changes are much more gradual.

Through this spiritual evolutionary process, we also each have different roles. Some of us decided that our passion and purpose would be in relation to staying in the mainstream and assisting or soothing the masses who are experiencing this sometimes challenging process. Others have chosen to be at the gate, ushering others across during another challenging time…the leap from here to there. And still others have agreed to be much further on the other side, setting up the New World . These plans were made long before birth, and in this way it is not a matter of who is here and who is there…it is not a competition.

So then, there are many varied scenarios all occurring at the same time. Reaching critical mass means that enough individuals are now embodying a certain amount of light or higher frequency. The biggest reason of this importance of reaching critical mass in August of 2005, is that there is now complete certainty that the earth will now evolve into a planet of light. So although it may not appear that this is the case, it indeed is.

If it feels as though nothing has really changed, there are several reasons for this. In July of, 2006, substantial amounts of light bombarded the planet. This light helped to support some very new spaces for many. When this light appeared, it supported a very new reality and way of living and being. More instant manifestations and various other noticeable changes were then at hand. But although more light was certainly here , some other things most certainly were not.

Although I have written about this several times before, I still need to remind myself what is occurring as it is so new and different. If you are one who is feeling more “cut off” than ever before, and feeling that your guides have jumped ship, or even that you can no longer “see” what you used to or “know” what you used to, there is good reason.

The forerunners in lightworker form are now at a vibrational and evolutionary stage where they are needing to create the New Planet Earth. Because of this, much of what is needed is coming from within more than ever before.

What exactly does this mean?

It means that all the attention and focus is on the earth and on us. This attention comes from the non-physicals, but it also comes from us . The focus now is on the earth in a different way. It is no longer about becoming a planet of light through a raising of consciousness, as the level required has already been attained. It is now about creating what a planet of light looks like.

In this way, much will change. Things will be much more about integration with others…our brothers and sisters here on Earth. It will be much more about integrating with the natural flow of the earth herself and with nature. It will be much more about making decisions on our own, without any direction from above. The changes are now really up to us to create.

This will manifest as a desire or better feeling space when we are having a regular old life. Just a life, not a focus on spirituality. A life. Living a normal life like a normal person. But there is a hitch, of course. A regular life now will not look like it did in the old 3D world. It will comprise all the elements that we integrated though that intense ascension process that we went through. We can now take what we learned and put it into a form. We have a blueprint now. We learned it as we stretched and grew…as we whined and thought we would most certainly die. We learned it as we were so lovingly watched over and cared for by our non-physical families.

Currently, we are in an intense transitional phase in regard to the physical. Much can seem chaotic or haywire in regard to the old 3D systems. This is because they absolutely no longer work. Grasping on is manifesting as going from this to that, here to there, trying this and then that….but much of this will no longer work. Grasping on is manifesting as strong opinions of the way things should be. This is fear at work. The new blueprint is being readied to be birthed, and this vast and chaotic falling away is simply creating the willingness and summoning needed in order for change to occur and be embraced.

In this space of the falling away of the old, it can be felt at many levels of consciousness. Some are having dreams of endings, abrupt ones, with loss and helplessness, and waking up in a panic. But even with the endings of the physical systems, others are also having experiences of the new arriving. October will cement in this new. It will bring in more solutions. It will bring in some stray pieces. And if we allow it, it will bring in some new partnerships for those who are congealing together with similar purpose. We will need each other more than ever before, and this will be the jewel within the falling away.

For next time, the topic will be more about how this transition is manifesting, and what is on the horizon. I hope you will join me. Can't wait to see you here…

What's up on Planet Earth

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,


Posted: 9:49:01 PM  
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