Marina's Masters - Articles

maandag 23 oktober 2006

October 20, 2006

We are currently experiencing an interesting combination of energies. There is much in the way of energy being “out,” but there is also much in the way of energy being “in” as well.

The energy that feels out, is in relation to support of sorts…finances, anything being there for us or arriving when it should, or even working as it should. We can even feel as though we have a dead battery, are emotionally or physically exhausted, and have nothing to draw upon. Missed appointments, things or people not showing up for us, or even just a feeling of nothing “being there,” as if in a strange void or space of no space.

What is arriving for us is in relation to connections of another sort. We are connecting to new things and people, and in essence, setting up and preparing for the next influx of energy when it arrives. This can manifest as meeting new people, having an idea for a new project, receiving word that a loan or such will be approved, finding a new property, but not yet buying it, or even now knowing where your next need will be coming from. All in all, these many things are becoming evident, but not generating the movement or flow quite yet in regard to completing the manifestation or having much arrive for us.

So then, we are in the stage and process of making new connections, without manifesting their fruits quite yet.

As always, all is in perfect and divine right order. We need to be prepared and ready when the next energy surge arrives. We need to know where we will be going, and who and what we will be connecting to in order to begin the process of our next step.

September cleared out much and placed us in a new position or space, if we so chose. Arriving at a higher vibrating space always brings in what feels like darkness, or shadow sides. This is simply a manifestation of the aspects of ourselves that are no longer needed in a higher vibrating reality. They are up and in our faces because they are calling attention to themselves while they are departing.

This can manifest as being called on the carpet for our behaviors or being asked to really take a hard look at ourselves. Most of the time, we are not aware that we are even exhibiting a lower vibrating behavior. Shortly after I wrote the recent energy alert about darkness, I was pulled over by a state trooper for speeding. Anyone who knows me, knows that I have a big thing about following the speed limit, so this was a real shocker. I was so deep in thought, that I was not paying attention at all, and I had believed, ever since I had traveled that road from the get go, that the speed limit was 65 mph…it turned out that it was 55 mph and I had never known it! He let me go with a warning, but the message was clear…I was not aware that I was “breaking the law,” and needed to be paying closer attention to things.

Since finding ourselves in energetic spaces of vibrating higher, many are no longer being seen or noticed. This is bringing up issues or any residue of energy that needs to depart involving insecurity. There has been quite a big theme of late relating to our insecurity energy. This particular energy of insecurity is present in every human being, and this attention being paid to it has created a great opportunity to really examine it and see it for what it is…simply an illusion.

When we are not noticed, or when the energies are out, we can feel insecure and take things personally. We can easily imagine that we have done something wrong, or even that we are no longer valued or appreciated. In higher realms reality, everything is valued, honored, respected, interacted with, and noticed . With situations changing and much moving out, it can be easy to take things personally. This is all relative to the degree that we are insecure about ourselves. If we are going to be creating the New World , we will need to be as secure as possible in what we are creating and what we are about. As this insecurity energy begins to shift, we will then feel oh so much stronger and self-confident than ever before…until the next opportunity to clear even more of it out arrives! (smile) None-the-less, we can learn much and become more secure than ever through this process.

So then, much is leaving, while at the same time we are making new connections or beginning the connection process to things and people that match us more closely. The higher the vibration becomes, the more separation there is. This is because like energies attracting like energies becomes stronger and stronger the more we purify. It creates great gaps in between things, because the residue that was hanging around, is no longer there. What is left, more and more, is a purified energy, purpose, or theme that allows for a connection to occur to it. This also creates a simplicity as well.

November will bring in more movement in regard to these new connections, but December will be the real month for large energy movement. December will bring in catastrophic change in the form of cleansings and big movements. And I have to say, that this very well might not occur either. There is always room for change, so we never know for sure what will transpire. At higher soul levels, we sometimes get together (as we are the ones behind the throne) and decide to avert these possibilities. “Let's change the logical outcome,” we say. “Let's allow for more time for folks to get there on their own in a slow, gentle, and more gradual way.” And then at other times, we say,”Let's let this one roll. A substantial shift in consciousness is needed now. It will be OK.” And then again, sometimes the energies change through choice and these large shifts are not needed anymore. So it is never really possible to make any kind of predictions about things…it is only possible to report on what in all likelihood will occur according to current energies.

As we continue to climb up the evolutionary ladder, one step at a time, things are indeed changing, even though at times it may seem that they are not. But eventually we will arrive at a space where we are oh so happy no matter was is occurring for us…and this is when we know we have truly “made it”…

Whats up on planet Earth

Wishing you Heaven in your heart, starlight in your soul, and miracles in your life in these miraculous times.

Until next time,


Posted: 7:11:04 PM  
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