Marina's Masters - Articles

maandag 30 oktober 2006
Deliberate Chaos:

an Opportunity for Change

Veeresh on Chaos

Years ago I was asked to take over an Encounter group in Pune, because the group leader was sick.
One of the rules of the group was that you were not allowed to attack the leader.
I liked that rule.
The other rule was that the only thing that could happen here was that you could die.
This was not meant physically, but spiritually - ego-stuff. I changed it.

I said, "The only thing that can happen here is that you will live, and there is going to be no physical violence in this group at all." I decided to go completely the other way. Everybody in the group was shocked. After the group I went to Osho and I told him about it.
He said:

"Good, good, Veeresh! Sometimes things that you have to do without any planning turn out beautiful, because the mind is in shock.
The mind needs time to plan, to visualize, to project some ideas, some blueprints.

The mind needs a guide, a map.
Through this experience, in the future, you should plan a group which takes many jumps. One day it is one thing, another day it is something else. In seven days' time it is seven things.
It has no plan; it is haphazard, zigzag...
Nobody knows what is going to happen, not even you. In the morning you get up and it is whimsical, it is eccentric.
With the whimsical you will see people flowering more spontaneously.
Otherwise they start learning the technique of the group leader; they learn the method, the group process... and once they have learned they start obliging the group leader.
They know what is expected of them: they know what they should do so that they should be thought good, they know what is not expected of them.
There will be two types of people there, as there are always!
A few, the obedient types, will simply follow the process and will go into it, and the rebellious type will resist and fight. Both are following a mind pattern that they have followed all their lives.
Some time, you will have to develop a group which is a chaos.
Nobody knows when it begins, nobody knows when it ends; nobody knows what is going to happen next.
It moves by sudden jerks, and nobody knows where it is going. You will take people into very, very unknown spaces."


Posted: 11:54:08 AM  
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